Chapter 5

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A few days and the hospital finally discharged me. Honestly, I was scared. Scared I would't find Tadashi in time. Scared GoGo would reveal my secret to the others. Scared Aunt Cass would keep asking me questions. But I was mostly scared that those men would come after me again. If they were willing to kill me, I can't imagine what they'd be willing to do to my brother. But for now, all I could do is lay in bed and recover.

"Hiro? Sweetie, are you awake?" Aunt Cass asked as she slowly came into my room.

"Uh huh" I sat up slowly, cringing at the pain from my healing ribs.

"Don't push yourself to hard." she walked over to my bed and sat next to me. She ran her hands through my hair and looked at the cast on my arm. " The thought of someone hurting you like that, I can't handle it. Do you remember anymore from that night?"

"No, nothing except what I told you. I was looking for Tadashi again, even though you told me to let him go. Then these men attacked me. The only new detail I remember Fred already told the police. I remember them threatening to kill me." I lied, I remembered everything. I only told the details that benefited me.

Aunt Cass sighs and hands me a glass of water "Do you have any idea why they would want to hurt you?"

"No.." This time I made it obvious I was lying.

"Sweetheart, you can tell me."

I didn't lie but I still kept up my scared, innocent act, "Maybe because I was close to finding Tadashi this time..."

Aunt Cass sighs but before she can speak I lay back down and pull the blanket over my head.

"Fine, don't believe me. See if I care."

But in reality I wanted nothing more than her to believe Tadashi was really alive, because I knew it was true. I had proof. But I guess my faith had to be enough to save my big brother.

I love you Tadashi, I'm coming to save you soon.

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