On the new horizon

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   The prison was thriving with life. The new additions were pleasingly not so bad and Bambi Oliver was grateful for that. The prison was a safe base. For the survivors and the new comers. What once was a place of heartbreak and loss, was now a place of livestock and a fresh fruits and vegetables.

It was overwhelming at times. Their once small, tight-knit group was now now a whole village of beings. While it took a short time with others to become acquainted, it's taking Daryl a longer time to get used to the idea of their space being taken over by strangers.

"Sup Dr. S." Daryl said, as he walked towards the little kitchen and dining area they have created by the courtyard. He made his way over to Carol who dished out the food. A smile bright on her face as she serves him a plate.

"Hey Daryl!"

"Morning Daryl!"

The voices called out from behind him. Like he said, it has taken some getting used to when people called out his name. He didn't know if he liked being noticed or not.

"Smells good." Daryl comments.

Carol smiled. "Just so you know, Bambi and I liked you first."

Daryl rolled his eyes. "Stop." He says. However, because Carol brought her up, he couldn't help but notice Bambi wasn't even here.

"You know, Rick brought them in a lot of them, too." Daryl says, about the newcomers.

"Not recently." Carol tells him. "Give the strangers sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're gonna have to learn to live with the love."

"Right." Daryl says.

"I need you to see something." Carol says suddenly. Turning to the other boy on the other side, she says, "Patrick, you want to take over?"

"Yes, ma'am." He says. Daryl can't help but inwardly chuckle. The kid reminds him of Bambi's brother. All wide eyed and bushy tailed.

"Uh, Mr. Dixon, I just wanted to thank you and Bambi for bringing back that deer yesterday. It was a real treat, sir. And I'd be honored to shake your hand. " He says, looking between Carol and Daryl. He held out his own hand and waited.

Daryl looked to Carol and smiled. Licking his fingers clean, he gives the kid a handshake. The kid smiles as Carol and Daryl walk away.

"About today, I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run." Carol says, walking towards the edge of the courtyard. There, they can see the fence area. Karen and some of the newcomers were down there taking care of them. However, Daryl noticed Bambi was no where in site.

"That place is good to go. We're gonna move on it." Daryl says.

"Yeah." Carol dragged out. "Thing is, we had a pretty big build up overnight. Dozens more towards tower three. It's getting as bad as last month. They don't seem to spread out anymore."

"With more of us sitting here, we're drawing more of them out." Daryl says. Looking towards the amount of Walkers gathering. "You get enough of those Damn fence-clingers, they start to herd up."

"Pushing against the fences again. It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, it won't be for long. Sorry poolkie."


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