When the real war began

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Bambi calmed her breathing as she, Rick, and Daryl walked down the long hall way. She was better. It was a miracle, really. The others were still sick but to everyone's surprise, she had mostly recovered. She was thankful for that. She hated being useless. She hated being weak. In this world, you couldn't survive if you were weak.

But Bambi was strong. And time and time again, she proven that to be true. It was honestly one of the things Daryl had liked about her. She was tough. She didn't take shit from anyone. She was determined and despite what she's gone through, she still pushes forward.  Looking to her, the words sat at the top of his tongue. She said them. To him. He'd never thought he'd get a change to hear those words. Ever.
So when she said them, he almost said them back.

"Therese. You down here?" Rick called out, causing his followers to come to a slow stop. Daryl turned to Bambi to check on her. She gave him a smile and he nodded, understanding that she was silently telling him she was good.

"You guys gotta see this." Tyreese says, coming out of the shadows. His words were urgent. Rick and Daryl share a look before following him.

"Can we take a beat?" Rick tells him, "There's something we need to talk about."

"It can wait. Come on." Ty says. Without saying anything more, the man turns away. Turning on her flashlight, with wide eyes, Bambi looks to the ground before her.

"The hell?" Daryl says, examining what ever it was in front of them. Bambi couldn't even begin to explain what it was.

"I was just looking for...answers." Tyreese says, softly. "And then I found this. Same person that killed Karen and David did this. Remember the rats at the fence? They showed up the same day she was killed.
We got a psychopath living with us."


"We got to him, Rick. And I'm not gonna sleep until we do."

"Tyreese....whosever did this," Rick tells him, "I don't think that's who killed Karen."


In the mist of the silence, before Rick could even answer, the prison shook. From above, the gravel fell from the ceiling and landed in Bambi's hair. Out of fear and worry, she grabbed onto Daryl's shoulder.

"Come on." Daryl said. Nodding his head, they quickly leave and head outside.

"Get back!" Rick yelled at the other that sat at the fence, staring out onto the field. Daryl quickly pushed Bambi behind him, but over his shoulder she could see the cars lined up. The cars and the tank. Her heart fell through to her stomach.

"Rick!" The voice called out. His voice almost giddy. "Come down here." He says. "We need to talk."

"It's not up to me." Rick shouts. "There's a council now. They run this place."

"Is Hershel on the council?" The governor yells. Then, a woman moves and brings out Hershel. Immediately Bambi's eyes go to Maggie and Beth. Their eyes widen in fear as they watch there father on the other side, being held by the enemy.

"What about Michonne?" He asks, and she is brought out too. "She on the council, too?"
Bambi places a hand on Carl's shoulder. Surprisingly, he doesn't pull away.

"I don't make decisions anymore." Rick calls out again. But his words stir something with in her. Maybe he should've been making the decision. He was their leader. It didn't matter if he liked it or not.

"You're making the decisions today, Rick. Come down here. Let's have that talk."


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