The dead finally stand still

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Bambi had fell sleep at some point during the stormy night. She remembered that when she was younger, she was terrified of them. Every clap and flash she would jump awake in her bed and run to her mother who would softly hum her back into a calm state and she would fall back asleep.

This time, she found sleep easily. Nuzzled in between Daryl's arm as he leant up against the barn doors that finally stilled. The storm most likely took care of the walkers outside. Daryl couldn't sleep as easily as Bambi did. His mind couldn't stop thinking bout what Rick had said.

"We are the walking dead." But Daryl disagreed. They weren't them. They were alive. They were surviving. But maybe Rick's words had little truth to them. At least, that's what Bambi thought. She told him that before she closed her eyes.

"Maybe we are the walking dead. But maybe we're thriving. Rising above them." For someone who claims not to be a pessimist anymore sure is talking and thinking like one.

Daryl looked down towards Bambi and lightly smiled. Ace cuddles with Carl and Daryl is glad the kid has someone who's looking out for him.

Once the sun came up, Maggie had come and sat beside him. She send him a broken smile and  Daryl nodded at her. "You should get some sleep. You can rest now." She tells him. Together, they share a look towards Sasha.

"He was tough." Daryl says, softly so he doesn't want Bambi. Tyreese was more than tough and didn't deserve to go out they way he did. Sasha needed her brother. Especially after dealing with Bob's death. They both didn't deserve to die. Not by this world.

"He was." The woman replies. Daryl looked over to Maggie and noticed the distant look in her eyes.

"So was she." He tells her, he can't help but think of Beth. "she didn't know it, but she was." Maggie looks down at Bambi and then towards him. He reached over to his other side and pulled out the old music box Carl he given her. During the night he couldn't help himself. At least he was still good for something.

"The gearbox had some grit in it." He tells her.

Maggie smiled, "thank you." She says. Slowly, she get and walk walk over to Sasha. Daryl sighed and decided that maybe he should get some sleep. At least then he'd be a little well rested.

   When Bambi woke up, everyone else was already awake. She was surprised to see Daryl holding Ace. She smiled at the site and secretly wished she had a camera to capture the rare moment. 

"Hey." She whispered towards Ace, tickling his stomach. He giggled and squirms in Daryl's arms. She smiled and looked over towards Daryl and he quickly handed him over to her.

"Did you sleep?" She asked him.

"A little." He told her. Before she could get another question in, the sounds of the barn door opening caused her to turn her head towards the sound. 

"Everyone." Maggie said, slowly as she and Sasha enter the barn. Behind them, a stranger. "This is Aaron."

The man gave everyone a casual smile as everyone immediately grabbed their weapons and aimed. Daryl is quick to check if he was being followed outside and closed the barn doors when he thought the coast was clear.

"We met him outside. He's by himself." Maggie explains, while Daryl checks him over.

"We took his weapons and we took his gear."

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