Teachable moments

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  Bambi had heard about the party that was to be held leader that night. Deanna said it was to welcome their new arrivals, but Bambi didn't think a party was something their family was interested in. She definitely wasn't, and neither was Daryl. The day had started off with Bambi saying good bye to Daryl as he was going to head outside the walls. She worried but couldn't stop him otherwise.

She had gotten up and ready and with Ace tightly in her hold, she made her way down the streets of Alexandria, doing her absolute best to avoid the looks and stairs she was receiving as she finally reached the place where they held the school.

A blonde woman smiled happily as she walked towards Bambi. "Well, good morning." She boasted, holding a few papers in her hands, she placed them down on the desk in front of her. Bambi smiles kindly and puts Ace down, the child doesn't hesitate to join the other small kids as they play with some toys.

"Morning." Bambi says, hesitantly. The woman smiled kindly at her.

"I'm Ashley, the other teacher around here. I've mostly been teaching math and science these days. It's all I know. I think the children would Ike a little change now that you're here." She says. "I'm assuming you've never taught by the daunting look on your face, don't you worry. There's nothing too it. For the younger ones, it's mostly helping them with their words. Pronunciation and writing of course. For the older kids, we have plenty of books to study and write essays on."

Bambi couldn't help the smile. Carl was going to hate the idea of writing essays. But it did sound pretty easy. She could help kids practise their words and writing. She could pick a book for the older children to read and study. She remembers that when she was in high school, she had to read Romeo and Juliet. Most of the other students hated it, but she was one of the only kids in the class that actually finished reading it and was able to site it backwards straight from her memory.

"Okay. Well, since it's the younger class first, let's get them familiar with tracing out letters." Ashley smiles and immediately turns to the class and introduces Bambi to them. She took a breath and pushed her want to run aside and went on with the day.

  "Essays?" Carl shakes his head at Bambi. He stands at the island in the kitchen as he waited for his father to come down stairs. The two of them had gotten ready to head to the party. Bambi wasn't going. She knew that for sure. No matter how much they tried to convince her.

"Yep. Don't worry, I'll help you." Bambi smiled, as she took a sip of water from a glass. She severed it. Seeming to never take it for granted again.

"Or, you could just do them for me." He countered, causing her to roll her eyes at the boy.

"Nice try." Bambi smiled.

"Are you sure you're not going to at least make an appearance?" Rick has asked, as he came down the stairs and entered the kitchen. Dressed in a clean button up shirt.

"Nah. I've been to my fare share of awkward house party's. I'm just going to wait for Daryl to get back. Maybe we'll stop by, but don't hold your breath." She tells him.

"All right. If your sure." Rick gives her a nod and Carl waved goodbye. Bambi sighed in contempt as the house got quiet. She looked over to the table and her eyes caught the typewriter. She smiled to herself and grabbed another glass of water before heading over to the desk. Her mind already swimming with fresh ideas.

  "Hey." Daryl's voice put a pause in her typing. She had already gone through a few stacks of paper and was in no mood to stop. But she knew she needed a break and she was suddenly realizing how hungry she was.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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