Alone with you in the ether

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   Running in the forest used to be a hobby. A past time that helped one escape the harsh reality of home. The woods were a comfort zone. One place where the mind could be free and wonder if the missions of possibilities that surrounded them. Trapped in a house, confined to the same boring walls, did nothing for the imagination.  She declared one day that the forest was where she would base her first novel. 

A fictional forest based on a real place. A runaway girl meets magical boy. Of course now, as they run, the ideas break through. But she couldn't stop.

Rebels running from the law. Long lost lovers running to embrace each other. The forest was a wide open space. Filled with secrets upon secrets. "If the trees could talk, what would they say?" She would ask. The question was in its self one to go unanswered, because who she was asking could barely talk anyway.  So she was forced to wonder by herself.

The trees around them would probably laugh at them, as she began to think about it. They were fools. They all were. Her heart was heavy with regret and sadness. As she lay on the mossy ground, with her back pressed against the roots and leases, she had no energy to move. No hope to keep going.

The prison was gone. Just like the farm. Just like her brother. Just like her father. Gone.

"We should do something."

Beth, the optimistic in her was probably screaming. Demanding they find a way out of the situation they've created. However, the poor girl was out of luck when she got stuck with her and Daryl.  The fire and the crickets around them filled the silence as Beth waited for an answer. 

Their eyes met briefly. Her gut filled with emotion as she tried to pin point it.

"We should do something." Beth said again. Her voice harder than the last time. "We aren't the only survivors. We can't be."

Slowly, Bambi sat up against the log and her elbow brushed up against Daryl's.

"Rick, Michonne, they could still be out here." She went on. "Maggie and Glenn could have made it out of A block. They could've."

Daryl sit motionless. Bambi's heart broke even more as Beth stood up. "You're a tracker. You can track. You both can." She says, motioning between the two. "Come on. The sun will be up soon." When he didn't move, Beth huffed.

"Fine." She said, walking towards the knife planted in the ground. "If you won't track them, I will." And without saying anything more, she disappeared.

"Come on." Bambi whispered. She could tell Daryl was done. Done with hope. Done with looking for people. Done looking for anything.

"Let's go after her before she gets herself killed." Standing up, Bambi holds out her hand to her husband. Her husband. Unofficially, or officially, they were together. And together they would stay. It was still new to her. The very thought of being with him...but now, especially now, she wouldn't ask for anything more. She wouldn't trade anything more.


When the sun came, they were still walking. Leaves crunched under their boots as they spread out across the floor. When Daryl stopped in his footsteps, Bambi and Beth follow.
Using his hands, Daryl pushes the leaves around. Revealing hidden footsteps tracked in the dirt.

"Could be Luke's. Or could be Molly's." Beth says. Shifting her eyes between Daryl and Bambi. "Whoever they are, it means they're alive."

"No." Daryl speaks. "This means they were alive four or five hours ago."

Beth's face fell. "They're alive." She tells him harshly. Walking away quickly. Daryl sighs and stands up.

"They could be." Bambi says, as they slowly follow after Beth. The blonde girl a few feet away from the couple. "Alive I mean. They all could be. We had a plan."

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