After all is said and done

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Bambi held Ace in her arms as she and the other so called survivors walked the never ending road. Her mind in a depressing haze as she struggles to keep the sadness at bay as she thinks of all that they've lost.

Beth. Noah's family. Tyreese. Sophia. Lori. The farm. The prison. Bob. A safe place to call home. Food. Water. She was finding it hard to find the silver lining in things lately. And she could tell Daryl felt the same. He was pushing her away. Any chance he got to go out in the woods to see if he could find anything he took it. Any time she offered to join him, he declined and went by himself and wouldn't come back until a few miles later.

Abraham was a wreck. Sasha was a wreck. Maggie was a wreck. Their group was more broken now than they are back at the farm. There was no cure. No Washington. No hope.
The sun was getting hotter and she guessed she could be thankful that it wasn't winter. Winter would just make things a whole lot worse. But at least they'd have snow to boil down into water. Maybe there was something to look forward to.

"Do you want me to take him?" The voice of Carl broke her out of her head. She looked to the boy in his hat. She smiled, but it was just for show. She handed him over and then looked over to Daryl. She sighed and caught up with Rick, who held Judith.

"There's a few walkers behind us." She said. "We can take them."

"Leave them. They're not going anywhere." He told her. But she needed an outlet. Someplace to let the anger dissolve. With a small huff she looked towards the forest. Once a place where she could escape and lose herself in the flowers and the green and the sounds. If Daryl could run towards the woods to escape their harsh reality, then so could she.

She looked back towards Rick and inwardly wholeheartedly smiled at the sight of Judith. The tired leader noticed the woman's want and silently agreed with the nod of his head. "Don't be gone too long. Stay along the road."

"Sir, yes sir." She muttered, with a half salute. She turned to Daryl one more time before looking towards Abraham. Her uncle was one of the toughest people she knew. With their help, he would crack under the guilt and become himself again.

Without anything more, she double checked her weapons and crossed over into the trees.

A day later, Bambi was in the woods again. With knowledge of her absence, Rick advised her like he always did to stay close. Most of the time she listened. Others, she disobeys and ventured off and disappeared deep into the woods. The leaves crunch under her heavy footsteps. Any Walker that stumbled in her direction she easily took care of it.

She remembers a time where she hadn't even thought about killing one. A time where her brother or someone else would take care of it for her. It wasn't until she had to did she finally grow up and kill one. It was really easy when they were just one at a time. And soon, after the first few, it wasn't until Daryl caught her that she realized she was hunting them.

"Adeline." His voice caught her off guard and she quickly turned around with her knife right in her grasp. He stopped her from almost taking his eye out.

"What?" She whispered, trying not to draw any attention to them. She huffed in annoyance and turned back to where she was starring .

"What're ya doin''?" He asked her, tapping her shoulder so she's face him again.

"Hunting. Obviously." She said, deadpanned

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