Amuong the infected

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    There was no word on their return thus far. Bambi found herself well enough to help Glenn and Sasha with Hershel. Helloing the others was the best thing for them to do until they came back with the medicine. Bambi was riddled with worry. But she knew Daryl and she knew he could handle himself. But that didn't mean she couldn't miss him. Behind sick wasn't helping the fact either.

She felt dizzy most of the time and could barely sit up straight without feeling nauseous. Her hands were shaky and her lips trembled but the thought of becoming better kept her hopes up.

Today, Bambi stayed in her bed. Hershel told her to. But she didn't want to. Sasha had barely been doing okay lately. And she felt guilty leaving Hershel and Glenn to do the work. 

With an unclear mind, Bambi fought through the dizziness and sat up in her bed. The soft echo of a little voice forced her to stand and peek out her cell. To her other side, her eyes wide as Hershel stands before her.

"Bambi." He says slowly. The girl she recognized as Lizzy stood beside him.

"You, stay in here." Hershel tells the girl, as he brings her to the other cell beside her. The door shut. "Where Glenn?" He asked her.

"In his cell." Lizzy replied. Hershel and Bambi share a look and as quickly as they can they rush to his cell. There, on the floor, he lays on his back. The corners of his mouth covered in blood.

"Hood on, Glenn. Just hold on." Hershel muttered after checking his pulse. Bambi's hands shake as she follows the doctor towards Caleb's cell.

"Caleb, we need that gun." Hershel says, but jumps back when Caleb growls and reaches his hands between the bars. Bambi's heart sinks and a sadness fills her gut.

"Come on." Hershel says, looking towards Bambi. "Here." He said, holding a gun to her, she grabs it and loads it as they both watch a Walker make its way towards them.

"Make some noise. Draw them towards the cell.'round 'em up." He tells her. Bambi nods and starts to hit the railings of the cell. Slowly but surly, those who have turned make their way over to them.

"Hershel." Bambi says softly, as the walkers seem to never stop. They were cornered.

The older man turns to her and fires the first shot. The round lighting up the dark room with a flash. Bambi doesn't hesitate to copy. When they're finally gone, Hershel runs off towards Glenn. Bambi keeps look out as her heart beats a mile per minute.

Maybe this was how she goes. Not the sickness itself, but the repercussions the sickness has caused for everyone around them. She looked down to Glenn. The man gasping for air and his face changing colour. Hershel had disappeared and Bambi could hear the voices in the distance.

Maggie then suddenly appeared and immediately went towards him. Bambi stepped back as Hershel tented to him.

She was watching from a safe distance and felt utterly helpless.


The car Daryl and the others in finally pulled into the prison. Eagerly Ty practically jumped out of the still moving van and went right to Rick.

"Sasha? How's Sasha?" He asked, his sister on his mind as they returned.

"I don't know. I'm sorry." Rick tells him. Rick turned to Daryl.

"Get in there. We got this." He says towards Ty. And with the look Rick was giving him, Daryl had a feeling he didn't know how Bambi was doing either. From the looks of things out here, shits gone down and this needed to be taken care of first.

Daryl knew though that she would be all right. It's been what's keeping him sane. The thought of her being okay. He didn't know what he would do if she... if she didn't make it through.


   When morning dawned, Daryl and Ty got out of the car just as Hershel made his way towards them. The man looked exhausted and defeated as Daryl looked at him.

"How's Glenn doing?" Ty had asked.

"He made it through the night. He's breathing on his own now." Hershel tells them. "Maggie and Bob are with him. He seems stable enough for me to get some air. Same for Bambi. She's doing all right." He says, looking to Daryl.

"Glenn's a tough son of a bitch." Daryl says.

"He is."

"You're a tough son of a bitch." Daryl says towards Hershel.

"I am. So is Bambi. She'll be just fine."

"How about Carol? Still in A block with Lizzy?"

"No. Talk to Rick about her." Hershel tells him. Daryl raised a brow. "She's okay. Just talk to him."

Daryl didn't understand what that meant, but turned away from the older man and decided it was time to talk to Bambi instead of Rick. He had missed her and needed something familiar.
Walking towards cell, Bambi sat on the bed while Daryl stood outside of the cell door.  

"Hey." He says.

Bambi smiled at the sight of him. Back in one pice and alive. "Hey." She says. Her voice raspy.

"You doing okay?" He asked.

Bambi shook her head. "I'll be better when I'm out of here. I need the sun."

Daryl smiled a half smile. "You'll get there." He tells her.

"Yeah. You know, we didn't even get a honeymoon or anything like that. Some wedding gift." Bambi muttered, twisting the ring on her finger. Daryl shook his head. A sudden silence filled between them. Their eyes looked at one another's and if Bambi wasn't still so sick, Daryl would've said fuck it and given her a kiss.

"Get some rest. I have to talk to Rick about Carol." Daryl says. Bambi raised her brow.

"Everything okay?" She asked

"We'll see." He says. Looking at her for another moment before he forced himself away.

"Wait. Daryl." Bambi said, just as he's about to turn away. He looked at her. "I love you." She says, with out an ounce of hesitation in her voice. She's said it to him before. She was open about it. And with her almost dying and everything that's been going on, Daryl thought he'd be open about it too. She knew he
Loved her, but he's never really verbally said it and when he did, out loud and right in front of her, Bambi couldn't help but smile.

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