When the smoke finally clears

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(Guys please, why did I totally forget about father Gabriel 😂)

The long and never ending road seemed to be just that. They've walked miles. Days and night on their feet. Tracking as far away from terminus as they possibly and physically could. Bambi's arms hurt. She carried her bag and Ace on top of her hip. Every now and the. Daryl would carry him, but mostly she did. For the kid didn't seem to trust anyone else for some reason. However, that was the least of their problems.

They needed somewhere safe to land. They needed a vehicle. They needed something. Anything at this point. They were vulnerable out in the open. There were too many of them. Their once tight-knit group expanded and they needed extra protection.

"You okay?" Bambi snapped a twig under her foot as they walked across the forest floor. They picked a place for the night and she had been scouting the area. Ace was safe and probably sitting unhappily with Carol. Daryl was on watch with her, and so she had been stoped by her uncle as she was making her way back to them.

It was still so strange to have him with her. They last time she saw him was when she was after her mother died. He came by after he heard their father was on a business trip and left the girl alone with her infant brother. He was pissed to say the least.

Nevertheless, Bambi didn't really know how to answer his question. She shrugged her shoulders and sighed. Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she thought of what to say. "I don't know."

He nods in understanding. "Hey, uh, whatever happened to your dad, anyway?"


"Sorry, Addy. Just curious." Abraham noticed the way she reacted to the question. Hesitant.

"I think he may be alive. Or dead. Like Drew."

Abraham placed his gloved hand on her shoulder. She gave him a small lipped smiled and walked away without saying anything else. He didn't really know what else there was anyway.
Bambi bit the inside of her cheek as she finally reached Daryl and Carol. Ace slept in the woman's arms.

The crickets filled the quiet between them. The fire crackling mixed in with the sounds of the forest and if times were different, Bambi would've actually been enjoying the calm night.

But as soon as the sound of a twig sounded in the distance, her heart beat picked up with nerves as Daryl immediately stood up with his bow raised. Carol stood up too and Bambi followed. The woman handed the child to Bambi and stood beside Daryl. He put his hand out to stop them from doing anything. When he heard nothing else, he gave the okay and soon, the sun would appear.

There was a sudden scream in the distance. The group was stopped by Rick. Bambi stood beside Daryl with Ace in her arms. He reached for the squirrels on his back. "Help, anybody! Help!" The voice shouted.

"Dad, come on." Carl said, eagerly. When Rick didn't doing anything, Carl said again, "come on!" And finally, despite his mind, he followed his son towards the stranger in distress.
Running forward, they run through the trees and stop suddenly when they come face to face with the problem. A man struggles to keep the walkers away as he sits on top of a big bolder.
His screams were sure to draw more towards them, so quickly, the group takes down each Walker to shut him up.

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