"We talked" (14)

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"Sure let's talk, why not"

Lucas took my hand, I recoiled at the sudden movement. The twins saw how uncomfortable I was so they both glanced at each other. I quickly cleared my throat.

"Alright" Lucas said backing up "How about we go somewhere more private" He said motioning towards the rest of the pack who were watching with eager eyes.

"Ok whatever suits you" I replied following them outside.

They proceeded to lead me to a house a few metres away, we quietly headed inside and got seated in the sitting room. We sat in the silence, and as Lucas was about to say something, the door was flung open by none other than my mother. Behind her was my father. They both looked out of breath and their eyes were almost bolging out of their sockets as they noticed me.

"Mazakeen" As my mother said my name, i couldnt help but feel heartbroken, she never called out to me like that before, it even surprised me how much emotion could be put in one word. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at me with admiration.

"My daughter" She continued.

"My beatiful daughter, Mazakeen" She proceeded as she got closer. My heart beat picked up.

"My angel, my sweet sweet angel" With each word my heart broke.

"My baby" Her words kept repeating inside my head and for a split second I wanted to forgive her, forgive them, for all the pain they have caused, for all the despair I felt while living under the same roof, I slowly got up from the couch.

"Honey, I have missed you, my sweet angl-" I scoffed interrupting her mid sentence.

"Missed me? Missed me you say? Missed what? Calling me names? Making me feel like a worthless piece of shit? Missed what exactly? Can you tell me?" I spoke in a calm matter but gradualy adapting an irratated tone. My eyes swelled with tears as emotions flooded in, questions started pooling inside my brain, why, just why.

"Mazakeen, I am so sorry, I beg you forgive this mother of yours, I have failed you grately" She spoke and then started hitting herself. My dad held her hands as I stared at her, my face not displaying the hurt I felt, one single tear slipped from my eye.

"Oh my baby please don't cry" She said as she pulled me into a hug. I hate her but yet I melted inside her arms, I needed it, I needed this closure, I needed this hug for years and here it was. I burried my face against her nuke. She held me softly, muttering love words that I would have never expected from her a few year back.

The warmth was intoxicating, I never wanted anything more than this, a mothers love. My own mothers love, the one that I was yearning for so much in the past, yet here it was, once i stopped chasing it, it came.

I will always loath them for how they treated me and what they made me go through yet deep down I knew that I slowly started forgiving them.

She held onto me tighter in a silent plea not for closure but for forgiveness.

My dad cleared his throat.

"Dear, let go of her " he said slowly approaching and putting a hand on her shoulder. I looked up at him, he avoided my gaze, looking down at the floor. His emotions were clearly displayed on his face, guilt, shame, regret, remorse all at once, satisfaction was what I felt at that moment.

"Mazakeen" He said in a murmur "You look great, I mean, you, uhh" It seemed he couldn't find the words to say, his flusteed face made me roar with laughed but not out loud. All this while Troy and Lucas were watching the scene unfold with eager eyes.

I stared blankly at the father that I once was scared of. "Long time no see father" I managed to say. "What is it that you want to say?" I questioned him through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry" He said looking down at the floor, in a low voice.

And what can I do with his apology? They are just mere words that mean nothing to me, I can't let them know I forgave them that easily, I have to make them work for it.

"I can't forgive you all that easily, after all the mental damage, it's hard enough to look at you all without ripping your heads off. I need time and most definitly more than those flimsy words you all call an apology"

We all stood in silence until Lucas spoke up.

"Mazakeen, we need you to know that we are so sorry, we've been looking for you for so long but we simply couldn't find you, each time we asked any place for a Mazakeen Woods, they said she didnt exist. We all thought you passed away, we believed you were dead. Please you have to understand that we immediatly felt sorry for what we did to you, we looked everywhere for you, but we were nowhere." At the end both twins looked at me expectantly, awaiting my response but I simply sighed in return.

"Alright but we have to talk about this later because right now, we have an emergency to deal with. As I have already heard the story from the officials, I want to know what actually happened for this war to have started because I know the rogues didn't instigate without reason, so go on, tell me." I looked around the room for an answer.

"Well, it all started when Xavier went out for a run at night to clear his head since he just found out his Luna had cheated on him. This was way back so we didn't think much of it, but it turns out, our alpha had met a young rogue and since he was trespassing, he attacked him which led him to be disabled, then through him outside the territory without informing anyone" Lucas was the first to speak up and After a long pause Troy continued.

"We swear we had no idea that he did that, but after he told us about it, we simply were able to connect the dots. I guess the kid was important or something for them to start a war because of him." I nodded my head then thanked him.

I said my goodbyes and headed out.

Hey guys its your author here, i just wanted to let you know, i will try my best to keep updating as frequently as possible to compensate for the long wait.❤🐼

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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