11. Untold Memories

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Here is the update VineetaSingh332

Thanks for waiting


TAE Pov:

He was deep in his thoughts when he suddenly asked me, "Which star do you like the most?"

I was now comfortably lying on ground placing my both hands behind head, "Every star looks the same, I don't find any difference"

"this star, this is my favorite" He pointed at the one. "Look carefully that star is slightly red in color" He said. I lost in the view looking at the star. "Red was Eomma's favorite color" I instantly looked at him. He gulped trying to control his emotions. He never talked about his past. Sometimes took his Mom's name but never shared about her. I can tell he was so attached to her. He never tells but he misses his mom a lot.

"I believe, she lives in this planet. Looking at me from afar, checking if I am doing well" He chuckled sadly, and looked at me, "You know you are the first one sitting and looking at the star with me. She must be happy today seeing, finally I am with someone. Or It also might be possible, she intentionally sent you to me so that I won't be alone. Did she?"

I was speechless. I didn't have single word to tell him but I really want to hear him. I don't know what Jim added to his drink, though I feel he is villain of our story and I hate his guts, but today I am thankful to him.

"I told you lots of time, Since I met you, my life became chaotic and I lost my peace of mind.

But Since I have met you, I swear, my heart has found peace. Before I had a house to stay but now since you have started staying with me, I found home. Since I started sleeping with you in same bed, cuddling, I don't see any eager inside me to find someone fooling around for sex. I had happy moments before, but having you in my life is like every moment has became beautiful. Whenever I am with you, I forget every sorrow, every problem and complaint about life.

I always thought, I like being alone and sharing, caring is waste. I knew only to earn lots of money so that I can buy a big house and live happily alone in that house and that's it.

I see my Eomma's intentions to sent you here is making me realise that living with someone, star gazing with someone, sharing thing, caring for each other can make you more happy. I can feel that now, having person who is only for you all the time can make life more beautiful" He looked at me, and his eyes were not lying, his eyes were not hiding anything. His smile was genuine.

I wonder, was I pleased that he was opening his heart to me, or regretting listening this, because my hearts rhythm was abnormal now. His true gaze making my heart overwhelmed and hurt at the same time.

He gulped and started again, "I was 12 when Eomma left me forever" My heart ache, hearing that, his voice was trembling straight looking at me without blinking. He then again looked at the sky and began, "She had a cancer, even though she found out, she did not tell me. I was living my life without concerning about future because" he took pause to take deep breath, "I thought I don't need as Eomma will be with me forever, she will take care of me. But eventually I found out she was suffering from the disease which can not be cured. When she had time, when medicine could heal her, atleast could make her live longer, she didn't tell me. I would have done anything, I would have robbed the bank for my mom's cure. But when I found out, any medicine could not help her to live... she was dying...dying daily in front me and I couldn't do anything" He breathed shakily. "The secret she never told or she never wanted to tell me, she opened up when she was dying that is about my father. She gave me letter she wrote for him and asked me to sent to this address after her death. I thought about it sometime, I made my mind to post it to that address, but before sending I read this letter" He scoffed sadly, "I learned after reading, this was not first but second letter she was sending to him. In first letter she requested him some money as a loan for her medicines, she wanted to live more for me. But he never acknowledged her letter. He left my Eomma for death" My heart choked when I saw his eyes were filled with water, threatening to flow down anytime. "And she wrote again begging him to adopt me for my secured life. I tore down the letter because I don't wanted to post the letter. Not at all. He abandoned me and Eomma, I will never go to him even if I was dying. She left her soul in front of my eyes. She left with the regret she was not able do anything for my future and I grew with the regret I couldn't do anything for her when she was alive.

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