23. The End

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"It's going to be okay." I heard Yoongi's voice when I was trying my best to focus on my computer screen, as possible as I could. But all I can feel is strong pain in my chest.

Everyone around me is trying to console me to keep me sane. Even I tried my best to look okay, as I don't want to make my people more worried about me.

10 days passed when V said to wait for him, and he will come back for sure. And I am still waiting.

No, I am not losing a pinch of hope. I know he will come back as he promised. But everyone around me is losing hope and that makes them more worried about me.

After that day, when V tried to go inside his own body, something movement happened to V's body. We thought he would wake up, but after a minute, he didn't move at all. We got scared and the doctor suggested moving him to the hospital. The hospital is expensive, not looking any less than a seven-star hotel. V was kept in a big, luxurious room with tight security.

In the beginning, I used to go to meet V early in the morning, settling fresh flowers beside his bed every day... talking with him for quite a time. I would have stayed there if his family would let me stay. And on top of it V's ex-boyfriend, no need to tell separately that he hates me. I don't care, though, but his closeness with V's family was not good for my existence.

I was okay as long as I was allowed to meet V. But in the last two days, it was even impossible to see his face as his family not letting me go inside the hospital. It was making me weak. Without seeing V's face, I couldn't sleep, not even able to eat properly. That is why everyone around me is worried about me, as far as I don't want them to worry, I try to keep my face straight.

Everyone, including Jimin and Jungkook, tried to console me. V is not here but he left his best friends to take care of me.

It is nearly impossible for me to concentrate on work. I am losing my mind.

Is it even possible to live without a soul? I don't know when I lost myself.

How do I live? My soul is away from me.

I am feeling like I am walking on paths that have no destination,

My heart is somewhere and my heartbeat is somewhere else,

Though I am breathing, feeling like I'm not alive at all.

I stood up to meet up with Hoseok. As I entered his cabin I kept an envelope on his desk.

"What is this Jin?" He enquired

He started to open it but stop when I told him, "Resignation letter"


"I am sorry Hoseok, but I guess I am not able to concentrate on my job. I am totally lost. "

"Jin" He got up to get closer to me, "I know, this is hard for you to keep up with work. I understand, take your time. You are a good employee, that's why you are here"

"And this is not fair with the company and other employees to keep me here. I can't take advantage of you more. Please release me. When I will think I can do I will come back"

Hoseok sighed deeply, he knows I have decided and I won't back off.

"Okay" He agreed and continued to say something but Yoongi barged in.

"JIN...JIN..." Yoongi entered hastily, he looked at Hoseok, "Hoseok" again looked at me, "Ji...Jimin called"

My eyes turned troubled. All my strength of standing still went weak. There must be something about V.

I was holding my breath till I heard what Yoongi had to say.

"Jimin called and he said, Taehyung woke up"

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