21. Days without you

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Day 1:

I was in the office. One day ...no..only one night I spent without V and I am already feeling like a year passed.

V, the name that did not allow me to sleep.
True, I never had feelings before like this hard.
But the one person, whose voice, smell, image, feelings crept up next to me at night and made sleep impossible was V.

"Jin..Jin I am talking with you. What are upto these day, Jin. You are not spending time with me. Even though you are in office, your mind is not present here" Yoongi complained.

"Yoongi" I looked at him precisely glaring at him.

"What?" He said knitting his brows.

"Yoongi, I am in love"

He chuckled, "who is that guy?" He looked at me, "V?"

I looked at him surprisingly.

"Why are you shocked?  Do you really think I am stupid to not know? He is living with you, right? I saw your room, the stuffs you never used are filled in your room. The food you hate is filled in your freeze. You are leaving office early. Sometimes bringing the tiffin in office. Your smile when phone rings with the name saved as 'my boyfriend V', grinning face while talking non stop about V. Any fool can judge you are in love with V, Jin.  I was angry at first that you never introduced him to me, I don't really understand why, may be he is too shy to meet unknown person or may be you are too possessive boyfriend. Whatever it is, but I waited that one day you will tell me. Maybe that fine day is today. So now tell me the story" He finally stopped.

I sighed, "He left me. He said that he doesn't love me" I ended up the story in one statement.

He snorted, "I am sorry I didn't mean to laugh" He covered his face to surpass the laugh.

"Let it be" I said angrily and got packing up my stuff to go.

"Hey I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you but it's okay. It happens. You entered in love life for the first time, Jin. Heart breaks happens. He will come back to you, trust me."

"No you won't understand. Leave it. I am going home" I wrapped up.

Yoongi was calling me but I ignored him. Just in hurry to go home hoping V will be home waiting for me.

I knocked the door for quite time but I had to open the door at the end. I sighed in disappointment. I took my phone out to dial his number. Phone was ringing in the home only. I again dialed his number, phone was ringing loudly in the hall but didn't pick up. Am I going crazy???

I changed my clothes after taking shower and went to bed
Still with an hope that you love me.

I am present in your every breath that for sure. You won't able to breath without me.
Come back V.
I'll place the whole world at your feet
If you wish so
If you have any doubts
Then test me any day you want.

Day 2:

I dreamt about him...
He came to me just after I took his name, he pacifed me gently making every distance between us disappeared.
He pestered me and he cajoled me as well. And touched me and kissed me...


It was dream.

I sighed being upset.

V, How do I tell you how much I love you.
I swear, my eyes are going to see your dreams only, every night, every moment, every day.

I went office not in mood at all. Not talking much with anyone, not with Yoongi as well. May be he was thinking I was still angry at him about yesterday. But frankly no ... I am not. I am just not in mood. How to tell him...what I am going through...

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