15. Senseless Love

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I flinched.

It's Jimin

After every 5 sec he is banging the table infront of me. Asking me about Jackson's whereabouts even though I have told him millions of times I don't know.

"How ridiculous!! Are you really so much in love that you are not going to open your mouth against him?" He yelled. Honestly, I forgot his normal voice how it sounds, since he is yelling, yelling and yelling.

Now my ears are getting fucking tired listening to this, "First of all I don't love 'love' him. Its true that I care for him as he is my bestfriend." I got irritated, "And second I don't know where he is. He moved to China for some urgency...This was the last message I received from him. That I have already showed you."

He bang the table again fiercely. I again flinched and closed my eyes tightly.

I opened my eyes quickly, "Infact, I don't trust the fact that Jackson could do such things. What are you doing is imposing on us that we were killer. Do you even have any proof?"

"That's not your concern. Do what you have been told." He spat.

"No I want to see footage to make myself sure" I demanded.

"You are not at the place to demand any thing, got it?. First spill everything you are keeping with yourself"

"I have told you everything" I said being frustrated, "I want lawyer. It's my right"

"Don't talk about rights. You don't know what rights I do have, and what I can do with you"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He banged the table again.

Fact is there is no point talking with him. He is stubborn. Since he brought me here he is asking me all type of question so that he could get what he wanted to listen. Now his patience eventually getting low.....

"What is 'V'?" He started again, I rolled my eyes as irritation building up in my dead brain., "What does that mean?. Is this some kind of code to talk with Jackson?"

"I told you, it is not like that?" I answered loudly.

He was getting annoyed with the time, so was I. Because it's almost end of day and he is doing same, asking same questions to me over and over and he is not getting required answers, ofcourse because I don't have any.

He ran his hand through his hair, shaking in anger.

"Why 'V' though? out of all this words?, this was Taehyung's name he used in Paris for his music concert. How can you deny it was not related to him. I have seen you taking this name all of the time. Mostly when you were on call. This is the Mobile you used to call. For hours you had talked on this number. Last call was day before yesterday....What is the meaning of it. We Even can't read this calls as all the records are corrupted. Don't tell me you were not involved in it. You are such a brilliant criminal."

My heart ache when he placed the mobile phone infront of me wrapped in plastic bag. It was V's, I brought it for him. He liked that. I felt sad, sad for him. How did he let them take away this. I sighed in disappointment.

"This...this phone is mine" I uttered.

"Yes, technically yes. This mobile is registered in your name even a sim card is on your name. But I don't understand for whom you brought this. You were not talking with yourself, right? Or you have attempted another murder" He said squinting his eyes.

I don't understand who cleared him to join as police, instead he should have tried for being fictional writer or film maker.... he would have been doing best there.

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