19. Tonight

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Tae's pov:

It's been 3 days since Jin Hyung is dating him. That's what I wanted right? Importantly Mr. Myeon is a good guy and he will keep Jin Hyung happy forever. Sometimes that's the reason makes me sad, more like fear. What if Jin Hyung will forget me for good because of him? I should not feel that way though, I know. But who can have control over their heart...

Today is Jin Hyung's week off and he promised he will cook all my favorite food for brunch.

I get up to see a busy man cooking in the kitchen. He is hilariously handsome. I seriously wondered if it is even possible to have a heart attack after death.

My essay over his beauty broke when he called me, "Hey sweetie, Come here."

I went near him, and he engulfed me in his arm and kissed my forehead, "had a good sleep baby?"


"So, What do you want to eat?" He caressed my chin

"Something sweet," I said looking around the dishes

"Sweet?" He chuckled he lifted me and made me sit on the kitchen counter. He leaned and kissed me deeply, "sweeter than this?" He said huskily.

"Hyung?" I looked down bashfully. His kiss was intoxicating, "I mean I want Ice-cream" I said changing the topic.

He went near freeze and put one ice cube in his mouth and started kissing me. My breath was hitched by his action. It was too arousing to handle for me. I was losing my self-control. My control scattered when he roamed his hand on my chest. I closed my eyes tightly gathering all my strength to stop him. I pushed him away a little harshly.

"V?" He was taken aback.

"Don't go further Jin Hyung..." I said getting off the counter.

"Why? Why not...just a little more...what's a loss in it. I am not asking you a lot... you are not giving me since I started..." Jin said being impatient.

"Dating." I completed the sentence.

I breathed out...

"and we should not... because you should be loyal to your love..."

"I am being loyal to my love," he said straight looking into my eyes. The shine in his eyes was different like he is not lying.

I breathe shakingly and went away changing the topic. "You know I passed that level of game I was stuck at ... I scored the highest score..." showing my enthusiastic side about playing games.

"Ohh... what will I do with the highest score after you go huh... that computer will stay idle like totally unused," he said casually not even looking at me.

Silence spread across the hall for a while till he looked at me..

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend to move in" I suggested nonchalantly as possibleas i can, "he might love to play games like me".

"I don't know about his liking and disliking. And I don't want to ask him to move in. I like living alone"

"You experienced living with me and it went well... why don't you try.."

"It's difficult to ask V, you won't understand"

I know he has difficulty confronting or confessing. Of course I know...

"I understand you Jin Hyung... I will teach you" I said, "Let's role play, Imagine I am Myeon. Now talk with me"

He giggled, "Really!!!"

"Yeah, I am serious"

"Okay... so now what I suppose to do?"

"Ask me to move in with you"

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