Chapter 2

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Hard. Very hard.

I might as well say difficult.


"I'm running as fast as I can!"


"You're a ghost! -kind of. Im a being cursed with gravity! You try running in these adorable little legs!"

Sans cackled as he remembered that conversation earlier, his sibling is so funny. He immediately stopped and panicked as the monster that was chasing them or Comic was getting closer to their hiding spot.

How did it come to this? Let me tell you;

Sans and his new sibling left the core and ran. Sans didn't want to be anywhere near that place and that's final.

For weeks the two of them tried their best to survive, from stealing food and G to tricking other monsters to give them food. During those cold nights where they don't have anything to eat they just talk and converse about things about themselves.

Apparently Sans' buddy didn't remember they're name, which shocked him and decided to help his bud find a name. They both decided on Comic. Sans' first name was Comic, and since both of them sort of share the same body, it's kind of fitting.

It's been two years ever since the cursed body possession and Sans' could say that the pranks and tricks they pulled on other monsters to get food were made for the history books.

The first time they stole, they were caught. Well, Comic got caught, it turns out Comic never stole anything before, making Sans mad and becoming visible for the first time, scaring the monster that dared try to hurt his sibling.

Sans went silent for hours after the realization he sees Comic as his sibling. He was terrified of losing someone who is close to him but the more he thinks about it, the more determined he is to protect his sibling. Comic cheered him up when he was upset, he never felt alone when they were there even though no one can see him. Comic was concerned with his silence, making him feel guilty. So, he made jokes to Comic, making the other laugh, especially at the puns.

Sans stiffened, his eyelight glowing cyan as he heard the foots steps of someone going closer to them.

-Comic POV-

Comic's eyelight glowed a yellow hue as they grew more nervous.

It has only been a few months since they realized that this is the Undertale Au that they made, Inclinetale. Everyone in this au is pretty much made out of thieves, tricksters, liars and pranksters
Basically, it's trick or be tricked. It all started after the monster-human war when the monsters were sealed underground, unbeknownst to them there are other creatures that lived there before them, we call them "the voices". You can guess who named them.

The Voices are mostly invisible creatures that take the form of small clouds, they influence and tempt others to do mischief and lies, because of this, monsters were influenced to do tricks, lies, pranks and anything related to mischief, making trust less between monsters and fake what they are really feeling. Kindness is considered suspicious in the underground and if it's true, the ones that have slight care educated them not to and told them that they might be used and tricked by others. Fortunately, children are immune to the temptations of these creatures but as they grow older and turn to full adults, they will no longer be immune.

Because of this, the king, Asgore, ordered the Royal Scientist, W.D. Gaster to find a way to get rid of the Voices but it didn't work, after all, how can you get rid of something mostly invisible and made out of cloud? So Gaster thought of another way. He decided to make something that will tell what are lies from truth. He decided to kill two birds with one stone; he decided to make a being that can help break the barrier and have the ability to know if someone is telling the truth or a lie.

He succeeded and made a skeleton that has the ability to be a literal lie detector with extra features. When he tested the little skeleton, he put him in a chamber with a rabbit monster. Not only did the little skeleton say what was a lie and truth and extra information that he didn't even know; he traumatized them, speaking in different voices of monsters that they knew when they grew defensive and continued to lie. It only worsens when sans who was only doing what was ordered of him to do, began listing off the dark secrets of the monster due to a particular lie.

The bunny monster, enraged, tried to hurt him only to be stopped by Gaster. The hare who was hurt, was dusted because Gaster forced sans to dust them. When the core malfunctioned, sans pushed him into the core.

Comic didn't remember adding that last part. So how...

Comic heard voices talking. They looked up to see....

Wait Grillby!?

Grillby kneeled down and tilt his head to the side, and ask;
".... Hello.... Are you alright?"

Comic subtly glanced at their side to see Sans giving him a distrustful look.

They were wary as well, they didn't add too much in their au, especially the part where sans dusted a bunny monster. Sans told them what Gaster made him do after a year of being together, who knows what else is added. Some monsters like Grillby, Alphys and a few others are mostly morally grey, they can't be really good but they can't be really bad as well.

There was a long silence for a few more moments. Grillby seemed to realize that they won't trust him that easily. Slowly, he reached his fiery hand into his pocket, activating their flight reflex. He paused and stayed quiet, calming them down until they gave him a confused look as he opened his palm seeing...

A bracelet.

A friendship bracelet to be exact.

Comic heard Sans gasp next to them.

Comic's eye sockets widened.



Basically, a friendship bracelet is a sign of truth and trust because of the fact that the object is made by the monster's own magic. It was the only thing that a monster never ever uses for lies. It was only used when it's really necessary. They glanced at Sans who looked hesitant before nodding.

They gulped before steeling themselves and reached their hand out to take the bracelet and put it on.

(1st person POV)

We mostly talked about what I was doing all alone in an alleyway and where are my parents, I answered him truthfully, obediently following the silent rule to speak the truth when you accept the friendship bracelet. I can feel the calming warmth of the bracelet.

Grillby was genuinely shocked and concerned which made Sans look less hesitant as the elemental monster asked a few more questions and I noticed how the bracelet seemed to get warmer, not too hot but like a warm hug near a fireplace.

As we talked more, I noticed it was getting darker and I could no longer ignore the hunger of my non-existent stomach.

My non-existent stomach made a noise that made my face a literal copy of the sun, making Sans chuckle, he was calmer than before but he still has his guard up. Grillby looked thoughtful before looking like he had an idea, he offered his hand out to me and asked if I wanted to come with him to his restaurant to eat. I shook my head saying I don't have any money. He told me I didn't need to pay and it was free. I felt my jaw drop, I didn't need to look to know that Sans was doing the same.

"R-really!?" I blushed after hearing myself squeak.

He nodded as he picked me up and walked towards the familiar route to Grillby's while Sans followed silently making death threats.

Reincarnated as sans from InclinetaleWhere stories live. Discover now