Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

Hello!! I'm back! 🥹😓
I'm sorry for not uploading for a long time. So many things happened and because of these reasons I don't have a lot of time, energy and motivation to do any chapters. Some included writer's block and exams... especially, Thesis 😭😓

As for updates, I will be updating once for two weeks.

Thank you for being patient and being supportive of this story!

Now let us start!

TW: Cursing

Comic thought they'd be used to pain by now. With all those resets, all those killing blows from the player, they thought they'd be used to the feeling. The sounding crack of their right arm proved them wrong.

The flames that erupted on the same arm proved him more wrong.

Screams surrounded Comic, Divine Authority Made Nemesis, he really tried to get his hand away…it worked, his arm was the thing that substituted its damage though…boss monster strength is no joke.

G gapped in horror as the cracked bone was engulfed in orange flames before he left to the direction of the kitchen, Sans materialised next to Comic, processing the situation, his face held nothing but panic and desperation.

Comic was kneeling on the ground in agony, his coat sleeve was burnt to a crisp, but it stopped due to Comic patting down his sleeves before it got any closer to his shoulder. What wasn't stopping was the flames on his arm, Sans eyes widened at the sight of the flames seeping into the cracks on the bone. He tried to do something, anything to put the flames out, but he can't even touch the ongoing injury with the fear of hurting his sibling more.

Sans tried reaching out to help but he couldn't with Comic’s screams and the flames being whipped around by Comic who was trying to put it out.

“C, please hold on. Stay still! Please-”

Sans was on the brink of tears, for the first time in a long while, Sans was close to crying in front of Comic and in all the pain Comic felt, another emotion joined in the fray, guilt, he didn't want to make his brother cry. G came back with a big towel, but before G could use it to smother the flames, Comic fell silent. The feeling of pain ebbed away to the feeling of numbness, then the blooming sense of coolness.

Looking down, he noticed the ember flames died down on it's own, not before “healing” his injury all together. His previous broken arm littered with cracks now held a glowing ember substance in between to substitute as a “glue”. The “glue” holding his arm together glowed once, twice before dying down or “cooling off” into dark matter similar to obsidian.

G looked at the injury, seeing black soot around the obsidian lines. The silence was deafening.

Until it wasn't.



There stood Sans, his brother, his twin, holding G by the neck, against the wall, Sans was floating, but he was visible. His hands looked more tangible while the rest of his body was transparent, the ghostly glow of his cyan eyelight glowed brighter than his misty appearance, his hands looked like it was engulfed in blinding bright cyan flames. His teeth were bared into a snarl, the spine chilling clicking sound of Sans' bones giving off a warning siren, like a rattlesnake about to strike. Comic never heard of that sound before, it was like an uncomfortable morbid clock or bones being cracked after a hard job or stuck in a position too long.

Reincarnated as sans from InclinetaleWhere stories live. Discover now