Chapter 12

462 37 4

Trigger Warnings:
Cussing or Cursing
Mature themes



“Damn. Lookin nice.” Said G with a slightly impressed expression. Swivelling around smoothly in his bar stool to properly face his other self, his leather jacket unzipped and the first buttons on his maroon-red button up unbuttoned, showing a bit of his ribs and clavicle.

“Where did you get that shirt? And were you wearing that sleeveless turtleneck the whole time? It looks good on ya” Said G with a sly smile as he teasingly said, “I won't be surprised if others take notice of you tonight.”

Comic tilted his head in slight confusion. “No? If anything I'm here for you.” Said Comic casually, making G choke on his drink, the bartender giving G a knowing side eye.

“I'm here to take you back. G…we have to talk about what happened earlier…” said Comic softly as G wiped his jaw. “Alright. On one condition.” Said G mischievously as Comic crossed his arms defensively, raising an bone brow as a sign for him to continue.

“Get a drink. Then we could talk.” Said G with a sly grin, a hand supporting his cheekbone as he laid his elbow on top of his crossed knees. Comic blinked at the condition. That's it? Comic honestly thought there was more to it…. but this is G we're talking about. He can be unpredictable if he wants to.

Looking at the bartender, Comic sighed, he looked at the options on the display case of drinks at the back, “One Firewater please.” Said Comic as G let out a whistle.

“Ya sure, bud? That stuff’s really strong.” said G with an intrigued and slightly hesitant expression as Comic took a sip and displayed a calm face which G whistled lowly with a subtly impressed chuckle.

Internally Comic was screaming at how strong it was….oh it burns…it burns….he doesn't even HAVE a throat.

Comic placed a bill on the counter as he finished the drink, G snickering at the stone cold, serious look on Comic’s face. Alfred gawked at the….100 dollar bill?!

G stared in disbelief. Comic coughed softly. “I kept getting 100 dollar bills on pawnshops for g.”

G’s eye sockets widened at the answer.

“....keep the change of the expenses we use tonight….and please use the rest for G’s expenses” Comic coughed out as he side eyed G who was covering his mouth, obviously trying not to laugh.

“Paying for my drink? Wooh, I didn't know you were this smooth.” said G with a shit eating grin making Comic blanch.

"That should be enough, eh?”

"You didn't have to do that" Said Comic, looking between him and the retreating form of the waitress.

"But it looked like you needed it." G replied with a smirk.

Comic shook his head, “You seemed like you needed it.” Said Comic neutrally, his smile betrayed his tone, making G snicker.

“Oh really? Oh come on now, don't give me hope in becoming my personal wallet~” G cooed jokingly as Comic gave him a blank stare that literally translates to ‘Not a chance.’

“Geez, can't take a joke? Try again cause I ain't just gonna give it to you.” Said G with a smirk as Comic cracked a smile, trying not to laugh, making G grin smugly.

Reincarnated as sans from InclinetaleWhere stories live. Discover now