Chapter 10

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TW: Cursing

G opened the door and stepped in the hallway. The walls were white and the floor had the same white coloured tile. His senses can now fully hear the sounds of a voice and a song playing in the background. The delicious aroma of something being cooked enticed him and his growing hunger, breakfast no doubt.

Steeling himself, he made the journey to the stranger that he hopefully didn't do anything that he regretted with. He didn't want to break it to this person that he wasn't looking for anyone or a relationship, he was drunk. He acts… weird and doesn't think straight when he's drunk. He didn't want to make the situation worse for his brother, that might scold the hell out of him after they just had a fight last night.

The owner of the voice started singing along to the music and if it wasn't for the burden rampaging in his mind, he would have enjoyed listening to them. It sounded… Nice.

As he finally arrived at the kitchen that looks to be also used as a second dining room, he froze on the spot. The person near the stove can't be mistaken.


The sound of a charging Gaster blaster made Comic's senses heightened but they made no move to turn around, they just continued to add more bread to the pan. They were making French toast and they hoped G liked it.

"Turn around"

Comic paused, lowering the heat of the stove and finally facing the skeleton. Comic heard his breath hitch but they weren't sure if their sense of hearing was tricking them. G was staring directly at their face, more specifically his eye that had chips and cracks.

"Good morning, did you have a good sleep?"

G looked taken aback. He composed himself, and tested the waters, "Yeah, I guess… Got a killer hangover though"

Comic chuckled lightly, getting him a glass of water in silence. G took small sips as he sat on one of the chairs of the kitchen island. He watched as Comic continued to cook breakfast and once he was fully awake, he decided to ask them questions.

"What happened?"

"You were drunk, I took you here"

"Do you know where you are?"

"From observation, A different universe, on the surface. Multiverse theory was correct. You're living proof of that."

G couldn't help but smile, even if they just met, he can tell they're a Sans alright. Well… A Non lazy one with how they seemed to be cooking instead of ordering room service, and really well too. How intriguing…
Could they be a swap version or a different one?

"So… How are you not panicking about arriving in a different universe?" G carefully used his wording and tone, he doesn't want to come off as insensitive and he doesn't fully know the guy, even if they're the same person.

They seem to ponder his question before replying with,"Oh I am, on the inside"

That made G snort, "Oh yeah? I can't really tell with the way you're acting so calm" Said G with a carefree smirk. He can't really think of anything else to say, maybe it's the tiredness and headache talking, he just wants to speak instead of basking in large amounts of awkward silence, the downside is that this tactic gets him in a lot of situations ending with second hand embarrassment.

"That is why it's on the inside, G. There's a difference between internally panicking and panicking externally." Said Comic with a tone almost sounding sarcastic, which made G snicker slightly, he didn't expect the sarcastic tone.

"So… How did we meet exactly? As you already know, I was drunk"

Comic placed the plate of French toast in front of G. "Any condiments?" Asked Comic, deflecting the question. G raised a bone brow at the action, but shrugged, "Any would do."

Reincarnated as sans from InclinetaleWhere stories live. Discover now