Chapter 13

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Author's note:
Hello, everyone. I'm sorry for not updating a lot. I tried to stick to my schedule but I realised it doesn't work well for me to make chapters when I have a deadline. It stresses me out and it doesn't feel fun to make a lot of chapters that way. Especially when I have other things I have to do.

I will continue making chapters, but at my own pace. It will no longer be a chapter or two in 2 weeks. I'll try my best to continue updating, but there won't be a specific schedule on each update. I'm sorry. 😞😕

But thank you for still tagging along with my book. I appreciate you all. Thank you.

Trigger Warnings:
Racist (Speciest?) remarks towards Monsters.




Comic felt like he was in the middle of an awkward situation….no, he knows he's in an awkward situation.

“How are you?” Said Anne with an exaggerated chuckle, punctuating every word with a false happy tone while checking her phone like she couldn't be bothered to even acknowledge his face. Comic thinks she looks beautiful, her hair was wavy and chocolate brown, her eyes were as green as macha, her dress was quite pretty too, a cocktail dress, right?

Comic never really can name every dress he sees, he knows they all have a specific name.

Still…he finds her attitude a little rude…can't she put her phone down when greeting someone or…does she not like G? Considering he's technically her ex…they didn't end on a good note right?

“Great!” Said G sarcastically before deadpanning, “until a few seconds ago…” he mumbled, Comic kept a straight face, trying not to react to G's sass.


Comic struggled slightly to not react to the green glow above him that he can only see.

“And…Who's this..?” Said Anne as she walked confidently up to Comic with a bright smile, G's grin tenses as he laughs forcefully, blocking Comic from her line of sight by stepping in between them.

“Anne. Can we talk? Alone?” Said G with an unimpressed look. Anne shrugged, rolled her eyes and walked away, knowing G would follow her.

Comic raised a bone brow as G didn't look at him, “I'll…I'll be right back.” Said G softly making Comic nod as he noticed the oddly quiet response in this loud setting. Comic was about to say something, possibly to ask G if he's alright…but no words left him as G walked away.

Comic decided to just wait by the bar…


Ink held the key chain in his hand, rubbing the small dog’s ears as he breathed in and out before putting on his best smile and going back inside the laboratory. Putting his comfort gift back in his sash.

He looked around him to see his friends talking with Grillby, Nightmare’s gang on the other side of the giant lab and Frisk and Flowey were in a corner sleeping. Per instruction from this au’s Papyrus, they are to not touch anything without his permission. The lab was…way bigger than Alphys’ lab, it looked clean and organised, all the mess that the room could have accumulated was all pushed into a table in the middle of the room beside the machine that can transport them to different aus. The table was filled with clutter and papers, broken pencils and pens were stacked into cups, pencil shavings were left by the trash bin, bottles and glasses filled with unknown substances were used as paperweights and a mug that reads “Sleep is for the week'' was placed at the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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