Chapter 5

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Jungkook awoke the next morning feeling sated, although he couldn't quite pin point the actual reason for his sudden burn out, but he sure had a faint idea about it, and wasn't ready to admit to it at the moment. Still, he knew he needed to get his lazy ass up and working, if he really needed his entire living space to be clean and free from all the filth he'd been too busy accumulating over the past weeks. Lunging his unwilling body up from his bed, he headed straight for the bathroom, enjoying the crackling sounds of his bone cavitation, as he thoughtlessly massaged his tensed neck and shoulder muscles.

"Ugh, this place is a mess" he groaned underneath his breath as soon as he walked into the living room. His not so droopy eyes rakes over the numerous empty pizza boxes, to the pile of clothes stacked on top eachother on the couch, and even towards the very messy compact kitchen top which was littered with empty beer cans and unwashed dishes. He face palms in shear agony, promptly tying his lengthy hair into a messy bun in order to begin cleaning.

Seconds spun into minutes, and minutes into hours, Jungkook made sure to scrub and wipe down every corner littered with dirt in his small apartment, before organizing each waste and unuseful products into different disposable bin bags, ready to the thrashed.

Struggling with the bags in hand, Jungkook manages to push his front door open with the help of his knee, but stops dead in his tracks as soon as he caught sight of Seokjin. The man, was dressed in a sporty attire consisting of black thigh hugging bicker shorts and a sleeveless tally colored tank top, he was crouched to the ground on one knee, neatly knotting up his Nike sneaker laces. As soon as their eyes met, Jungkook quickly ducks his messy and sweaty hair, blinking his full lashes rapidly to avoid the awkwardness.

"What?" Seokjin asks, standing to his feet with a low grunt. "Why were you starring at me?"

Jungkook's eyes instantly widens at the info as if it were absurd, causing him to snort in disbelief. "Starring at you? Oh please, why would I ever do something like that?"

"Dunno__" Seokjin grins smugly, smoothening out his shirt, "maybe because I look good?"

Jungkook threw his head back dramatically, laughing out in disapproval. "Please don't kid yourself flower boy, I only got something in my eye and I was trying to get rid of it" he defended, determined to come across as completely unwavered.

Nodding his head curtly, Seokjin flashes the now red and flustered boy a small smile, before saying. "Whatever you say neighbor, whatever you say"

Jungkook didn't bother with a response, as he only watched the man gently push passed him, heading down the short flight of stairs while occasionally glancing down at the fitness wristwatch strapped around his veiny wrist. "Neighbor my ass, it's Jungkook for you!" He yelled right after him. But, he was certain his whines fell on deaf ears considering how Seokjin was already out of sight.

Jungkook stood with both of his hands tucked inside the pockets of his scrub, his body inclined and leaned against the nearest wall, while awaiting his turn to use the vending machine. It was already hard enough knowing he had to continue coming into work without hopes of getting paid by the end of month, and now it was even harder watching the little boy in front of him battle with the machine like it fell from space.

Out of his utmost frustration, Jungkook squats to the floor, both of his arms rounding over his bended knees. "Hey little buddy" he called out, thereby garnering the little boys attention.

"What's wrong? Maybe I can be of help if you tell me, because right now you're holding up the line and I'm so dehydrated" Jungkook complained.

The little boys eyes instantly saddens, holding out a rusty penny in front of Jungkook's face, he says. "My granny is here, she keeps complaining of thirst and I wanted to buy her one of her favorite fruit punch, but I only have this penny on me which doesn't seem to be enough"

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