Chapter 8

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Impatiently tapping his foot against the concrete floor, Seokjin forcefully knocked on the archaic oak door continuously, his ears picking up even the faintest sounds of the unhinging bolts behind it, until the door is eventually pulled open by a man in his late thirties.

"Hello, Hwan" Seokjin waves rather menacingly, his dark eyes devoid of any humor.

The man's eyes are instantly blown wide open from their sockets, as beads of sweats started to form underneath his frizzy bangs. He was dreaming, he certainly had to be, considering how long it had been since he last laid eyes on the man in front of him. Immediately, Hwan acted out of impulse, placing both palms behind the door in an attempt to jam it shut. But unfortunately, Seokjin was a lot quicker both in reflex and in wit, causing his plan to head downhill pretty quickly.

Realizing his first attempt at escaping had miserably failed before his very eyes, Hwan decided to make a run for instead as he stumbled his way back into the apartment. But again, Seokjin was a lot quicker in grabbing him by the collar and backing him up against his firm chest.

"Shh, shh, if I were you, I'd stay put" Seokjin whispered into the man's ear, his breath hot against his pulsating neck. Further tightening his grip around Hwan's collar, he added, "You should have known it'll only take time for me to find you, yet you kept underestimating me"

Hwan instantly screws his eyes shut, trying his best to find solace by believing it was only a terrible nightmare, the kind he would eventually wake up from after a while. But he was dead ass wrong, considering how his air ways thinned out even more as he gradually creaked his eyes open. Now, Hwan was certain he was no Snow White, neither was he pricked into dreamland by a needle. Seokjin was really in front of him, and was slowly trying to seep life out of him, bit by bit.

"Seokjin, plea__"

"Shhh" Seokjin whispers yet again, "why are you apologizing? Did I tell you you've done anything wrong?"

Hwan shook his head faster than the speed of light, causing Seokjin to nod in approval.

"Good. Now, this is how this is going to work, I'm going to let go of you as long as you promise not to cause a ruckus by trying to get away from me. And also, as soon as I let go of you, I want you to take a seat in front of me, so we can easily go over this whole misunderstanding like the matured individuals we are, alright?"

Again, Hwan was quick to nod his head. This time like a lizard self accolading itself.

Seokjin grinned at the man's compliance. He downright enjoyed it whenever people obeyed his every instructions without putting up much of a fight for themselves. So, having Hwan wordlessly heed to all of his warnings, was a pretty delightful sight to see.

Slowly detangling his curved fists from inbetween the man's crumpled collar, Seokjin backed up a few paces with expectations of total compliance of course. But unfortunately, Hwan had other plans up his sleeves, because as soon as Seokjin lets go of him, he turned on his heels and dashed towards the back door.

"Ugh, not again!" Seokjin grumbled and took off after the man's tail. This time, he was determined to hurt him even more than he had wanted to before.

A tackle soon ensues between both men as they wrestled and collided against the protective railings of the door, before stumbling to the ground with a loud thud. Hwan on the floor covered in dirt, and Seokjin viciously starring down at him completely livid.

"I fucking told you to sit still asshole!" An heavy punch followed behind his words, fatally hitting Hwan across the bone of his cheek. "Fucking stay still I said, you moron!" Another punch rapidly following right after, landing on the same spot as the previous one. "Didn't I tell you so?" It was a jab to his chin this time, causing Hwan to cough and spew out blood. His face instantly churning in anguish at the metallic taste of the liquid in his mouth.

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