Chapter 12

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The Italian leather felt extremely hot against her skin, causing her to jerk up in an instant and begin prancing about like a puppy whose leash got broken off from its owner.

It was unlike Irene to get all anxious and fidgety whenever it came time to relay the days activities and overseed plans to Namjoon, considering how she's always been the overbearing and over confident type of lady. Her deep red lipstick and jet black mass of long hair often added to her very confident persona rather than take from it like it was doing right now. So giving that she was nervous right before her meeting with the man didn't sit so well with her, and the fact that she couldn't pin point the direct source of her nervousness, made it even worse.

A few beeping sounds could be heard from outside of the electronic smart door, before it was clicked opened thereby ushering the buff and expensive looking man into her presence. The strong smell of smoldered tobacco and oud mixed together in the air was so intense to the point she had to scrunch up her nose a few times.

"My sweetheart, did I perhaps keep you waiting?" He spoke in a low tone, towering over her and bestowing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

Irene flinches, but was quick to collect herself by forcing a timid smile on her face while gazing up at the man with an head shake. "Not at all Joon, I haven't been waiting too long"

"That's my girl" Namjoon chided, shrugging out of his coat and tossing it unto one of the chair beside him. "When I got your news, I couldn't wait to get back as soon as possible. Speaking of getting back, I really need to get back at Siwan and his boys, do you know that they are playing a very silly and dangerous with me? The long awaited containers eventually arrived shore a few days ago and coincidentally he somehow fled to Japan at the same time? Very foolish of him if you ask me don't you think so?"

Irene chuckles dryly, one which didn't resonate from deep within her of course. "He must be foolish, you're not a man to be messed with, he should know better"

"Exactly! Exactly my sweetheart" Namjoon happily chides, clapping both hands together like he'd never heard any truer words regarding himself since he was born. "These people know what I'm capable of doing but they keep testing me. This is exactly the same thing Seokjin did, and about Seokjin though do fill me in the info, did you manage to get him here? His he here right now?"

Taking a step towards the obviously eerie looking man, Irene manages to shake her head indicating a no.

"Words sweetheart, I need words"

"No, I could not" Irene responds in a go, feeling her nervousness spike up by a notch.

A deafening silence hovered over the air for a few minutes, before Namjoon eventually clears his throat as if he'd been cautiously organizing all of his thoughts. "Uhh, what do you mean no?"

"We couldn't find him"

"That's bullshit, you're lying to me aren't you?" The distressed man asks, shooting the lady a look that sent chills down her spine. "I gave you an entire week to look for him while I was away on business, now you're gonna stand here in front of me and tell me you couldn't find him? You of all people?"

"I'm not lying to you, we searched for him everywhere but we couldn't find him. It just feels like he disappeared into thin air"

"Arrant nonsense!" Namjoon yells this time, slamming his folded fist against the table beside him. "Get the hell out of my face and get me Hosoek this instant!"

Irene exhales shakily, daring to take one more step closer to the man not caring how angry or livid he looked. "Namjoon wait, just listen to me"

"Listen to you?" He asked, throwing his head backwards like a crazed man as series of deep and menacing chuckles escaped his lips. "Did you say listen to you? It's taking all the patience in me right now not to grip you by the throat and choke you until your round eyes come bulging out from their various sockets. All I asked was for you to freaking get me the man who stole from me, but as usual you come back with nothing but excuses all the damn time! What the hell are you good at then if you cannot even pull through something as simple as this?"

The tears were ready and wiling to come rolling down her cheeks at any minute, but Irene knew better than to break the facade she already had up in the presence of the man. So she sucked it up to the best of her ability, exhaling a few times to help sedate her raging pulse.

"I'm telling you the truth, you know I would never lie to you, we really couldn't find him"

"Didn't I tell you to get me Hoseok? What the fuck are you still doing here?"

"Trying to calm you down of course, and moreover Hosoek went home to his family for the weekend"

"Keep scowling like that and I bet it'll only a few years from now for you to grow grey hairs" Says Seokjin, as he wheeled his cart down the long aisle of the supermarket towards the home supplies and decor section.

The boy beside him did nothing but huff rather loudly, his neck craned downwards toward the ground with his eyes glued to blinding light of his lit up screen.

Taking note of the silence he was met with, Seokjin stopped on his track and turned his undivided attention towards the boy who seemed to have long forgotten his existence. "What is it?" He eventually asks, causing Jungkook to slowly lift his head up with nothing but disappointment plastered all over his face.

"Ugh" he groaned in dismay, grabbing a fistful of his hair. "The government should be ashamed of themselves" He slandered without remorse, leaving Seokjin even more confused than he had been since they left for the store together earlier in the day.

"Huh?" Seokjin questions, ripple effect crease lines forming along the smooth skin of his forehead. "What are you going on about?"

"First of all I lost my job without remorse from those very despicable people, and now I cannot even seem to secure another one, it's so frustrating! The government should do better in providing jobs and means of survival for their citizens instead of investing in weapons and machineries for combat all the damn time!"

To say Seokjin was stunned and short of words would be an understatement, so he did nothing but stand there with his mouth agap, eyes locked solely on the boy.

"What? I'm being honest aren't I?" Jungkook questions, corking a brow while carefully sliding his cellphone back into the pocket of his cardigan.

"Lets just agree we have different views and perspective of honest, okay? Still can't secure a job I presume?"

"It's so obvious isn't it? I bet my forehead clearly reads jobless and soon to be homeless in bright neon colors" Jungkook facepalmed, internally loathing himself for ever allowing Seokjin find out in the first palace.

Shaking his head as if he couldn't believe how trivial the boy made his problems seem, Seokjin whipped out his cellphone and typed a few words in silence before shoving the device in the boys face. "I saw this on my way back yesterday"

Snatching the device from Seokjin's hand, Jungkook wordlessly gawked at the Servers needed sign splayed out in front of a building which seemed to be a restaurant, considering how well light light up the entire decor was. "Holy shit, this place is huge"

"I guess so" Seokjin answers with a shrug of his shoulder.

"Why are you only showing this to me now? What if someone else already applied for the position?" Jungkook grumbled, throwing a tantrum like a kid whose candy was snatched from him.

Retrieving his cellphone from the boy's hand, Seokjin turned on his heels, pushing his cart along with himself. "Is that how you say thank you? By acting like a complete brat?"

"Oh please" Jungkook groaned, trailing behind him in utter disappointment. "Why should I be thanking you? Did you see that place? I'm sure hundreds of people already applied for the position even before the info got to me. I sure do not stand a chance"

"Okay then I might as well go back there and take back all the good words I previously put in for you" Seokjin says, quickening his steps in order to get farther away from the boy who he was more than certain was stunned at the sudden revelation.

He sure as hell wasn't wrong, because when the grumbling noises behind him lessened, he stopped to turn around and wasn't a tad bit surprised to find Jungkook rooted in place. His eyes were bulging out of his head, and his mouth hung opened in shear delight.

"Don't play with me" Jungkook finally says, voice barely audible because he still could not believe his ears.

"I'm not" Seokjin shrugged for the uptenth time. Bringing his wrist up to his eye, he says "If we finish up here on time we can still catch up to the interview. I mean I did tell them you'd be coming in for it today unfailingly"

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