Chapter 9

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God no, please no.

Jungkook paced back and forth along the restricted corridor of the retirement home, his bottom lip tucked and diligently confined in between his perfect set of dentition. Sweaty palms occasionally ghosting in and out of the front pockets of his scrub.

When Mrs Lee had informed him earlier that morning about the meeting that would decide the fate of some of the staffs who were yet to be paid over the past twelve weeks, Jungkook was overly excited, probably even more than a well fed seal. But, after a few whispers amongst staffs which suggested otherwise started filtering through the air, Jungkook became insanely paranoid. All he needed was for Mrs Lee to walk out through the double doors of the damned office space, before he ended up kicking it down himself out of curiosity.

This would have totally been a perfect time for a smoke or two, considering how extremely well the tobacco sticks helped and aided in calming his nerves to a great extent.

Jungkook, was so engrossed in his muddled up thoughts to the extent he missed the very moment Mrs Lee walked out of the office into the corridor with a dissatisfied look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She questions the dazed boy, finally standing beside him.

Jungkook is immediately reeled out from his thoughts, and his eyes instantly grows wide in curiosity. Clasping both arms out in front of him, he says. "So, what happened in there? Tell me everything, don't forget a single thing"

"Yah! You know we can't possibly talk here, they'll easily listen in on us"

Dejectedly looking around for a few minutes, Jungkook decided to lead both of them towards the cafeteria instead, so he gently grabbed her by the arm and tugged her along with himself.

As soon as the door to the partially busy refueling area was pushed open, Jungkook's undivided attention was back on the lady again. "Now spill! I'm dying out of curiosity here"

Mrs Lee sighs, a kind between pure exhaustion and sheer pity. "You already heard, didn't you?"

"Well duh! Everyone is already whispering about it. Not only did we not get paid for a long period of time, but now they are even planning to drop some persons off too? Damn, aren't they being a little too inconsiderate and cruel here?" Jungkook blabbered on, oblivious to the look of guilt Mrs Lee was currently sending his way.

"Anyways, are they even planning on paying us any time soon? Say something please"

"Jungkook, the home keeps running into numerous insatiable problems day after day, I honestly doubt that we would be able to make it out of the mud this time. We could also easily close down and go under at this rate"

Jungkook's brows furrows in utter confusion, causing his face to contort in a deep frown.

Was he really supposed to care about the home closing down right now? Come to think of it, it really wasn't any of his business at all. Getting his hands on his freaking paycheck was all he cared about at the moment, and his priority was greatly justified considering the fact that his rent was due in just a few weeks.

"I don't get it, should I care about that?"

"Of course you should!" Mrs Lee argued.

"Well I don't! I mean, shouldn't you know by now that my middle name is Don't give a fuck? Jeon don't give a fuck Jungkook" he stated smugly, although his face remained firm and pretty pissed off.

Mrs Lee shook her head in deafat. Who could possibly tame this brat? She thought.

"Well, I have some bad news" She announces, a sigh escaping her lips right after.

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