010. it doesn't work like that

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"it doesn't work like that"
by faye webster

" begging for her mom to remember her name
i guess it doesn't work like that
it never really works like that "

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"make me lose control"

season 2 episode 3

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eleanor knew from a very young age that most things in life wouldn't work out the way she wanted. 

on the surface, she looked like the kind of girl who would have everything handed to her on a silver platter. but with further inspection, you'd find that wasn't the case. 

there were the trivial things like getting dumped two days before prom, getting picked first for group projects (because the girl who skipped a few grades is so easy to manipulate into doing the whole project herself) and last for dodgeball, and never getting the new toys she wanted because being the youngest of six comes with being the queen of hand-me-downs. 

but there were also the serious things, like having no memories of your dad because he was murdered and watching your older sister, who happened to be your best friend, spiral into a pill addiction, become unrecognizable, then overdose, and never treat you the same.

so yeah, she got pretty lucky having five older doctor siblings when it came to admissions and residency programs. she would say that worked out pretty well in her favor.

but things like blind dates and today, well those were things she'd deemed not favorable.

she wished she could fix everything bad and take the loads off the people she loved.

but it never really works like that, 

does it?

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"what is she doing?" cristina asked in disgust.

"she's hanging out with alex." george answered confused.

"ugh, seriously?" cristina asked turning to meredith.

"what? don't look at me." she defended. once george walked away, cristina slapped meredith's arm. "ow! what?"

"i knew she had a stupid crush on him but i didn't think she was going to act on it." cristina whisper yelled.

"i don't know... i mean look at her, she looks happy. she's laughing and smiling. maybe it's good, maybe he's not so bad." meredith shrugged.

"nope, no... we can't let her go down that path. i thought you talked her out of it, did you not talk her out of it?" cristina asked.

"look," meredith chuckled. "eleanor is a big girl, if she likes alex, let her like alex."

"she is not a big girl, she's an innocent 24-year-old baby who shall not be ruined by alex karev. i mean seriously, you said look at her, yeah, she's smiling and laughing now but that is the smile and laugh of a girl who gets attached... and you know what's gonna happen when she gets attached to someone like alex? it's not gonna end well mer, we gotta put an end to it before it goes too far."

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