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Todays the day I finally get my freedom.

Well, I mean mum gave me as much freedom as she could behind dads back, but today is the day I move out of my family home to start the next chapter of my life at university.

Maybe I'm being a bit dramatic since I know I'm moving into accommodation that's only 30 minutes away from my family home, but that's not the point.

The point is I will finally be able to do whatever I want.

No more sneaking around, no more friends buying me alcohol, no more lying about staying at Aunt Chloe's house when I'm around my friends having a sleepover or partying.

I will live my life without lying, kind of... maybe? I guess I will still be lying to my father, but it won't be under his roof.

Father always had a strict plan for me, the same way his parents had a strict plan for him since he moved to London from Romania when he way a young boy. The plan was to get him through his teen years to keep him in line and focused so he could be a successful man in the future.

This obviously worked in his favour as look at him now CEO of "Stans" a finance company now worth millions of pounds. Because this worked so well for him, he done the exact same for me but worse.

No partying, no drinking, no sleepovers with boys or just about girls, no going out past 9pm. These were just some of the rule's fathers implemented in my life to keep me 'on track'.

The only thing father does approve on is my boyfriend, Carter. He is a year older than me and is already at Westminster University also studying the same course Father did and I will be – business.

I have been with him for two years since, I was sixteen and father thinks he is perfectly suited to be my future husband. Father wants someone who will take care of me and provide for me and our future children the same way father does mum and me.

I know he is only looking out for me since I'm his only child and he still views me and his little girl, but I wish he would just cut me some slack.

Mum knew he was always too harsh on me, and she was the one who always helped me sneak out past my father to allow me to have fun with my friends. I tell mum everything, she is my best friend and doesn't judge me like father does.

She always tells me stories about when she was 17 and he was 18 and he would sneak out of his house, drive to hers and climb through her window just so she could sleep in his arms. I wish he was still like that now, more risk taking and fun, but I guess you change after 23 years and having a multi-million-pound company.

Mum has always stood up for me when it comes to my father's decisions, she is the only reason I can stay in accommodation because if it was up to him, I would still be at home with Bruno my driver taking me to university every day and picking me up bringing me straight back home.

Instead, mum told him I need my space and that he is a hypocrite since he stayed in halls when he was studying in university.

She is the only one who ever speaks out of line to him, but I think that's what father loves about her, she keeps him in check when he takes it too far.

But now my life is mine and it will change completely.


**Okay so please tell me if you can see the image at the top or not so i know if its easier to say who's POV it is or if you can see the picture with the name!! thanks :))

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