Chapter 11

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"Get the fuck off me creep! Where the hell is Florence? Let go of me!" I hear Jessica shout before we even get over there. No one else seems to notice, it probably just looks like a couple arguing to them.

I get over to the one holding Florence up before he notices me, when he does it's too late. My fist collides with his nose, there is a crack, his nose starts gushing with blood. He instantly drops Florence and starts stepping back, I catch her before she could drop to the floor, I have her in my arms like a princess convenient since that the nickname I gave her.

She is gurgling words but nothing that makes sense, her skin is pale and she has a temperature, whatever he has given her is bad, she is having a reaction.

"you broke my nose dick!" the blonde man comes rushing towards me holding his nose.

I am partially defenceless since I have Florence in my arms, but that doesn't matter I would never let anything happen to Florence whilst in my arms and I don't need my hands to fight. He swings for me with his free hand, I step to the side he stumbles so I take the opportunity to kick him to the ground. One military boot to the head and he is unconscious.

My men come running over grabbing the blonde man. "Sir are you alright? We came as soon as we saw him swing at you."

I nod and look back to make sure the other one didn't get away. Of course, he didn't, Cole has him pinned on the floor while Jessica is hitting him with her heel using her foul vocabulary. I can see Cole smirking from here.

"Get these men to the warehouse, splash ice water on them every fifteen minutes and don't let them sleep. Don't do any damage just make them think it's the worse they're going to get." I command looking down at Florence who is now shaking.

"Cole call the doctor, tell him he better be at home before we fucking get there. Get the driver round now." I walk away before he can respond. I need to get her out of here, some place quiet till the car comes.

I step outside the club and sit on the floor away from people. I have never sat on the floor outside of a club ever but right now I don't care.
The fresh air hits her, she opens her eyes just enough for me to see her jade eyes. I brush her hair out of her face and feel her forehead, she is burning up.

"Florence, can you hear me baby?" I ask. She mumbles an answer, but it isn't words it is grunts. "Come on princess keep those pretty green eyes open for me. Don't fall asleep, you can't fall asleep I need you to stay awake baby."
I carry on talking to try keep her awake, but it isn't working, her eyes keep fluttering shut.

I gently slap her cheek so she doesn't pass out, if she passes out, I won't know her condition so she needs to stay awake till I can get her to the doctor. "Please baby, stay with me. Just stay awake."

Before I can speak more, I see Cole running towards me, he looks shocked when he sees Florence. "What the fuck? Is she okay? Aaron, is she going to make it?"

"Shut the fuck up and tell me the doctor is on their way  to the house and the car is here." I snap, I can't answer his questions because the truth is I don't know.

He nods and waves for me to walk, the cars here.

I pick Florence up and run, I am dressed as an inmate running with a playboy bunny, people must think I'm insane, but I don't give a fuck right now. We get in the car and Cole gets in the front I lay Florence's head in my lap and her legs are on Jessica who is crying stroking her friend's leg. I carry on lightly tapping her face to keep her awake, but she slips in and out of consciousness the whole ride home.

When we reach the front of the house Adrian the doctor was already standing there with a medical team and stretcher. I have a medical room in my house with everything you need in any situation however usually it is meant for me and my soldiers, not an 18-year-old girl.

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