Chapter 6

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I don't open my eyes when I first wake up, instead I wrap my duvet further over my pulsing head. There were only two thoughts I had, firstly how much did I drink last night, I don't even remember going home and secondly thank God for silk duvet covers.

However, my duvet covers smell different, the normal smell of roses has been replaced with hazel and spice. I lifted the duvet off my head and slowly peel on eye open. My once grey silk sheets were replaced with black silk, my white walls were painted black and there were no signs of my pink fluffy pillows. Shit, this isn't my room.

Whose room am I in? did I sleep with someone? What the hell happened last night. I gasp as memories from last night start flooding back in, Carter grabbing me in the club, Jessica and oh my god the gigantic man who stood up for me.

I look down and I am in a black top that is ten sizes too big for me and my underwear. I cover my face with my hands "oh please tell me I did not sleep with him" I whisper to myself with heat burning up my neck from the embarrassment.

I gather my thought together quickly and realise I must've left Jessica, shit. I look around for my phone but nothing, not even my dress from last night is in here. The room is bland, the only visible colour is black. The bed is twice the size of my king size bed at home and has a picture of a black lion hanging above it. typical men.

To the right there is a desk with black folders stacked up on top of it, next to it a window bigger than a front door, I've never seen anything like it. it had a black ledge big enough to sit on and to the left there is another door which im guessing is the bathroom and next to it, bookshelf which surprise surprise, all the books are black.
I wonder how he got all limited-edition books made black, probably something I shouldn't stick around to ask, I need to get out of here.

I go to stand up, but my head is spinning, I hate hangovers. I grip my head and turn to the side where I see two tablets, a glass of water and a note 'take these for the hangover' wow that's thoughtful. I didn't hesitate to take the tablets and down the whole glass of water, I was so dehydrated.

I finally build up the courage to stand again and go over to the window. I manage to stumble over and grab the window ledge. When I look out, I gasp at the view, it is utterly beautiful. Greenery for miles, fields upon fields. I must admit it doesn't look like England when I glance around, the air isn't as fresh and the grass isn't as green but obviously it is England, just the beauty of the countryside.

I sit and look out the window for what feels like another thirty minutes, I wouldn't know exactly how long since I have no clue where my phone or clothes from last night are. This is all so weird.

I'm startled out of my thoughts when the door opens.
"Good you're finally up." His deep voice sent shivers down my back.

He is tall, like 6'3 / 6'4 tall. He has a black suit on with a matching black shirt and tie, he looks clean, tidy. His dark hair is short but long enough for you to run your hands through.

Why am I thinking like that.

His jaw is sharp, defined. As if someone chiselled it themselves, he has olive skin and the most gorgeous blue eyes, they look like what you see on the snapchat filters.

"I see you took the tablets, good. You drunk a lot last night." He is now walking towards me. I realise I ignored him when he walked in, I was too busy analysing every detail about him.

"Thank you ever so much for um... taking care of me last night. I am ever so sorry for the inconvenience, and I should really get going now, I left my friend, and I should check in on her" I politely smile at him trying to give the I need to get out of here fast look.

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