Chapter 8

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It's been two days since I saw Aaron the asshole. A few hours after he left my room, the maid who brought my clothes before brought a brand-new iPhone, iPad and MacBook.

There was a message on the phone when I turned it on.

Aaron: Gone for a meeting. Will be back in a few days' princess.

I ignore it.

I found out the maid's name is Giana. She has been bringing my meals upstairs and moaning at me to eat it all otherwise I will get sick. She reminds me of my bunica (grandmother), I like her a lot.

She is the head maid who has been working for Aaron since he was a little boy. By the way she talks about him, she must be a mother figure to him. She told me he had a rough upbringing but didn't go into any detail when she spoke, she just gave me the basics and the dummy guide of how to survive around here. Basically, speak when spoken to, don't cause a fuss and stay out of his way. Everything I won't be doing.

That night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to do my research about him since he already knew so much about me. I couldn't find a lot about him, dirty information anyways. All I could find was 'Aaron Russo age 22, CEO of Russo enterprises.' Clearly 'enterprises' is a code word for mafia.

There were a few more articles about his fake business but the one that caught my eye was one about his parents. The headline reads 'Tony and Bella Russo, shot and killed in their own home after a robbery gone wrong.'
The article said the 'robbery' took place early hours of the morning and went wrong as Tony and Bella woke up while the robbers were in the house to which they panicked and shot the couple. They were found that morning by their son who is not named in the article – Aaron.

I have the feeling that the article isn't true about why or how their death took place. Knowing they were part of the mafia; I doubt they had a robbery instead more of a rivalry. But what I do know is Aaron was the one to find his parents.

When I looked at the time it was 3:33am my eyes were stinging with tiredness and I knew it was time to go to bed, so I closed all the tabs cleared my search history and wrapped up in my duvet.

I don't remember falling asleep but when I open my eyes it is 12pm the next day. Giana had left an orange juice on the side with a note saying, 'come out for food when you're awake.' I ignored it and decided to change into a knit grey lounge set and watch TV for the day, I binge watched greys anatomy from season 1.

I must've dosed off while watching it because I am woken by the sound of knocking. The door opens and its Giana.

"What time is it?" I grumble rubbing my eyes.

"Florence Stan it is 8:30am and you did not eat yesterday or drink anything. You will get ill if you carry this on" she places a plate on the table next to the bed and rips the duvet off me. I groan rolling away from her. How the hell did I fall asleep in the afternoon and wake up the next day. I never sleep like that.

"You also smell like you've slept for a year so eat your breakfast then go and shower and do some skincare bambino, your pretty skin will age forty years if you carry on this way." I gasp as she walks out the door shaking her head.

I take a sneaky smell of my armpit in case she comes in again and realise I smell how I feel, like shit.

I go into the bathroom, turn the shower on and look in the mirror. Staring back at me are two bloodshot swollen eyes and a bird's nest on the top of my head. I run my hands over my face and down my neck, tracing the faded bruises. They're yellow now and so ugly, I haven't looked at them since I was in my uni accommodation.

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