He's gone

298 11 5

It was about eleven o'clock when laws shift at the hospital ended and after saying goodbye to the doctor's who unfortunately had the night shift he exited the building. Outside the hospital, the air was chilly and unwelcoming. His steps were gentle, but he had no idea that he was also stepping to his doom with those gentle steps. Law felt as if he were wrapped around the darkness of the night sky and the moon's light wasn't in the least bit helpful. It was never that dark when law left for his shift during eleven, the possibility of this foreshadowing something bad happening crossed law's mind but he laughed it off. It seemed silly to think that the night sky would foreshadow anything, maybe he should have listened to the sign the sky was giving him.

And for some reason he let shachi borrow his car to drive home which meant he had to walk home. Knowing nami, she wasn't even awake at this time if he wasn't around and she hated when people disrupted her beauty sleep so that wasn't an option to call her unless he wanted her to be mad at him for a whole week. So he walked to shachis apartment to pick up his car since it was closer to the hospital than his place.

30 minutes later he walked up the stairs to shachis apartment door, he knocked on it and waited for shachi to answer the door. Three minutes went by and eventually answered the door. Music and the sound of people cheering could be heard behind shachi who was clearly intoxicated by some type of alcoholic drink.

"Hey law, what's up?"

What kind of question was that? Law wouldn't be there that late at night for no reason. He rolled his eyes and stared at his drunk friend and said,"I'm here for my car keys"

Shachi had to think for a moment until he remembered what law was talking about and where he even placed the keys. He turned back into the house and searched for the keys, he had offered law to come in but he declined. Staying out later than he had planned wasn't on his schedule.

So law waited...and waited....and waited....until shachi found them on the coffee table that was crowed with drunks twearking and doing stupid dances arounded it. He went back into the hallway where law was waiting for him as he was leaning against the wall. He handed law his keys back and gave law one last bit of information.

"Also, the car is parked one mile away in that parking lot that's always empty, sorry...I needed space for my girlfriend's car."

Law wasn't in the mood to lash out at his friend for parking his car a mile away and Shachi was drunk so he couldn't blame him. He only let out a tired sigh and started to make his way to the abandoned parking lot. Shachi waved as his tired friend left the complex.

Various thoughts about Luffy filled Law's mind as he walked to the parking lot, but why? He was perfectly satisfied with Nami and didn't need Luffy...or does he? Was Baby 5 right? Should he give Luffy another chance and see where things would go?

Law slapped himself for thinking he needed his ex when he had a beautiful girlfriend; it was bad enough that he had cheated on her with luffy, but now he was thinking about luffy in that way. Baby 5 was just ranting; she had no idea what it was like to be in a complicated relationship, so she had no right to speak.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity he could see his car in the distance, once he was close enough he took out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the car door with a push of a button. That was clearly a mistake.

Out of nowhere he could feel a sharp and numbing pain coming from the back of his head, the pain was unbearable. Even so the shock is probably what kept him awake to see his last moments before getting knocked unconscious, he turned around to see who or what had done that to him. But when he did he went face to face with a bat which then made him unconscious. Law no longer grasped the keys which rang as soon as law hit the ground. But he got a glimpse of what the people looked like, one was blond and one had black hair and for some reason they reminded him of Luffy's brothers.nce law hit the ground everything went black, he couldn't see, hear or touch. It was as if he were dying all over again.

☆𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝗼☆ 𝐁𝗼𝗼𝐤 3Where stories live. Discover now