time after time

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chapter 23:


Weeks passed while Luffy waited for Law, but he never returned. He knew Law was mad at him, but he didn't think Law was angry enough to leave for weeks or forever. He began to wonder if Law had left for good. He was filled with regret and wished he had done things differently. He hoped Law would come back soon so he could apologize.

Luffy was so concerned about him that he hired Brook to conduct an investigation. Brook accepted the case, but that wasn't the only one he worked on. Brook was also working on Zoro and Tama's disappearances. He worked tirelessly to find out what happened to them, but with no leads, he was starting to lose hope.

One day, Sanji and Luffy came together to talk about their missing loved ones. Brook listened intently as Sanji and Luffy shared their stories, hoping to find any connections to his own cases. As they spoke, a new lead emerged that could potentially solve all three mysteries.

"I wonder where they went..." Luffy said.

"Me too, and I hope they are okay," Sanji replied.

"Why did Zoro leave?" Luffy asked.

"I cheated on him with some girl..." Sanji replied. "So why did Law leave?"

"He was yelling at me for doing something stupid... And he said he needed space...so he left," Luffy recalled and slowly.

Luffy looked down at his hands, his face expressing sadness. Sanji put his hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "It's OK, Luffy..." Sanji said gently. "I'm sure Zoro, Tama, and Law are okay."

The two of them hugged each other tightly and watched sad movies while eating junk food. Hanging out with Sanji made Luffy feel better, although he was still worried about his friends and boyfriend.

After a while, Luffy was able to put his worries aside and fully enjoy the moment with Sanji. They talked about their favorite movies and laughed at silly jokes. By the end of the night, Luffy was feeling much better.

And when night came, Luffy escaped to Rob Lucci's place. When he arrived, he gave the man a kiss and was invited to his apartment.

As they kissed on the couch, Rob Lucci made a proposal: "So I was thinking, why don't we make this relationship official?" Rob Lucci was nervous but excited. He waited for an answer, hoping his proposal would be accepted.

Luffy smiled softly and said, "Why can't we keep seeing each other like this?" as he kissed Rob Lucci.

"Because I love you, and want you to be mine only," Rob Lucci stated.

"I'm already in a relationship, and you know that," Luffy responded.

Rob looked at Luffy with a sad expression and said, "I don't care; I just want to be with you."

☆𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝗼☆ 𝐁𝗼𝗼𝐤 3Where stories live. Discover now