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                          Chapter 11:


It was around 4 a.m. when Luffy woke from what was supposed to be a nap. The room surrounding him was unlit by any source, making it hard to see anything, but he wasn't going to stay in bed for no reason, so he got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get an early start to the day.

Luffy guided himself to the bathroom with his hand; he used to feel the wall for a bit until he felt the door leading into the bathroom. When he got in, he felt the wall a bit more to find the light switch. He stepped fully into the bathroom before closing the door. When he finished closing the door, he faced the mirror. His black hair was messy and untamed, but he didn't mind, his hair was never straight to begin with.

After that brief moment, Luffy turned to the tub and plugged the hole before turning the knob so the water could fill the unattended space. While he waited for the tub to fill up, the man removed the clothes he wore and put them in the basket. When all his clothes were off of him, he turned the knob to stop the flow of the water. Every few seconds, he gazed up at the mirror to check himself. Before stepping in the tub, he used one foot to test the water's temperature. Once he felt it was safe to do so, he took a seat in the steaming water and cleared his mind.

At least he tried to have a clear mind, but thoughts about law invaded his space. Luffy wished that by some miraculous power he could erase law from his memory. That would be amazing if that could happen, but he knew that law would be one of those people he wouldn't be able to forget. That was in no way beneficial for him because he was friends with laws girlfriend.

At first Luffy couldn't accept the fact that Nami and Law were together and he wanted to end both of them until he found Hawkins. Once they started dating the man he put an end to all of those sinister thoughts about ending law and nami's relationship. most of them, at least.

Luffy drugged Nami.

As a matter of fact, Luffy never gave her any medication for her pain, it was just isotretinoin that he got from one of his good friends, Yamato. It just took a lot longer to take effect, much longer than he planned, but in the end, it worked.

Now that there are no more children in the picture, Luffy feels as though he can live his life happily. Furthermore, he didn't think the law would stick by Nami once the baby was no longer an issue. that kept a question wandering , what was law going to do now?

Was he going to beg Luffy to get back to him?

The thought brought a diabolical smile to his face as he sank deep into the tub.

Although it would have been endearing, Luffy would ultimately reject law. He had no interest in starting another relationship. All he wanted was Hawkins. The man with whom he sees an actual future with.

A few minutes went by, and the silence of the dark morning was wildly interrupted by a gasp from the bedroom. Luffy stood up and threw a robe around himself, he did so unrushed by the gasp. When Luffy opened the bedroom door, he looked upon his boyfriend, who was on the phone with someone.

Luffy was relieved to see that his boyfriend was unharmed by anything or anyone, but he was still curious about what caused Hawkins to gasp so infelicitously. "What's wrong?" Luffy asked.

Unsurprised that Luffy came in such a way, he said,"..nothing..." as he put his phone down.

Luffy sat next to Hawkins and put his arm around him, sneaking a little kiss before speaking. "You can tell me," he insisted .

☆𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝗼☆ 𝐁𝗼𝗼𝐤 3Where stories live. Discover now