missed Call's

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Chapter 24:


It's been about 2 hours since Luffy said goodbye to his boyfriend, Law. They both had a busy day to look forward to.

Currently, Luffy was at the mall shopping with Robin and Franky, looking for something to wear to the party held by Shanks. However, Luffy couldn't stop thinking about Law and how much he missed him.

Both Robin and Franky noticed Luffy's strange behavior, but they hesitated when it came to asking why he was acting so strange. They decided to take a break from shopping and get something to eat. As they walked to the food court, they almost lost Luffy because of his absentmindedness.

While the three of them sat at the table, Luffy barely touched his food. He was too busy, daydreaming about Law and what they should do when they see each other later.

Robin sat across from him and watched him be inattentive. Finally, she mustered up the courage to ask why he was acting like that. "Hey, Luffy, are you okay?"

Luffy blushed and responded with, "Yeah, why?"

Franky held the coke in front of him and said, "Well, you seem out of it. "

Robin smiled and added, "It also looks like you're in a positive mood today with a smile and everything; it's been a while since I've seen you smile, so it's nice to see it again."

"I'm just happy to have Torao back in my life," Luffy explained.

Robin's expression shifted to curiosity as he spoke out "But Brook told us that Law ran away with Zoro."

"No, he had it mixed up; they just went on vacation with each other, and they came back yesterday, and we worked out our differences." Luffy answered.

"So, are you still together?" Franky asked.

Luffy nodded. "Yeah, we're still together." He said. He knew in his heart that Brook's assumptions about Zoro and Law were fake. Neither of them would ever do that to him, and he knew Law still loved him with every cell in his body. He would have loved to say he believed Law would remain loyal the whole time. But for a short time, he thought the rumor made sense. In the end, Luffy was right about his best friend and boyfriend.

A few minutes later, they bid each other goodbye and set their paths apart. Luffy's next stop was Rob Lucci's place. Luffy was determined to confront Rob Lucci and put an end to their affair.

Luffy knew it wasn't fair to keep the affair going, and, truth be told, he didn't need Rob Lucci anymore. Law was back, and they made up. Luffy felt relieved to finally end things with Rob Lucci and move on. With Law back, he knew they could continue their relationship.

When Luffy found a parking space outside the apartment, he parked and got out. He saw Lucci as he approached the residence where Lucci was staying. Lucci smiled, and they headed towards the apartment complex together.

As soon as they got in, Rob Lucci locked the door behind him and turned to Luffy. Luffy was uneasy around Lucci now that he wanted to end things with him. So without wasting another second, Luffy opened his mouth to speak, but just as he found the right words,

He felt conflicted, as part of him wanted to stay, while the other part told him to run away. He knew he had to make a decision, and he slowly stepped back, gathering his composure.

"We can't do this anymore; Law is back, and I want to be faithful to him," Luffy implied.

Rob's demeanor changed from loving and caring to crude and nasty as he replied, "Now you want to be a faithful boyfriend, but what about whenever I fucked you and you tell me otherwise!?"

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