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      Chapter 26:


Luffy sat on the toilet as he processed the results of all 3 pregnancy tests he took. He could hear his own heart pounding as he stared at the two lines that had appeared on the test. He wasn't sure how to feel, but he knew who the father was without a doubt.

Law was the father, because, during the past few weeks Luffy lived with Rob Lucci, he hadn't been involved with him in any way, physically, sexually, or otherwise. How could he, after imprisoning his fiancé? Luffy would never let Lucci touch him, especially now that Law had been wrongfully imprisoned.

Considering that Luffy was staying with Rob Lucci in order to save Law, telling Lucci that he wasn't the father of his child wouldn't be the smartest thing to do, since he was staying with him to do so. He also knew he didn't have much time since his stomach would grow in a few more months.

Luffy tried to think of a way to get out of the situation without revealing the truth and thought of something that might work. As much as it pained him to do so, Luffy decided to lie and tell Lucci that he was the father of the child. It's what was going to keep Law alive. He knew it was a gamble, but he had to take it.

However, this would all change if Luffy discovered that Law was sentenced to death and would be executed in a year. If he knew the deal was broken and had been for weeks, he would have personally killed both Lucci and Hawkins.

2 hours went by since Luffy took the tests, Rob Lucci finally came home. As soon as he opened the door, the smell of food hit his nose. He walked to the kitchen and saw Luffy in a pink apron. This came as a surprise because he knew Luffy wasn't happy living with him and saw the possibility of him cooking for him as unreachable.

When Luffy finished cooking, he placed the food on the table and said, "I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you, and I have something to tell you."

Rob Lucci's response was, "It's okay, I understand. What did you want to tell me?"

"I'm pregnant with your child." Luffy stated as he smiled.

At first, Lucci was joyful and felt happiness like he never had before. But then he realized the implications of Luffy's words. If Luffy was pregnant, then there was a 75% chance Law could be the father.

"How do you know I'm the father and not Law?" Lucci asked with anger in his voice.

Luffy knew he would ask a question like that and continued lying in his most convincing voice: "Me and Torao haven't had sex in a month."

Lucci examined Luffy before a smile appeared on his face, and he grabbed Luffy as he said, "I'll gladly father our child."

Luffy forced a smile on his face as he hugged Lucci. He was ready to do whatever it took to keep Law and the baby safe.

While everything seemed to be fine at the apartment, Law was in jail getting torchered. He had many bruises, cuts, and wounds from the torture and rape he faced. Every day, the process would repeat itself. He felt hopeless, and despite his physical pain, the emotional scars ran even deeper.

Furthermore, eventually he stopped caring. He figured that if he was going to be executed in a year, he might as well make it easier on himself. So he stopped fighting back, and waited for his life to end.

That was until one day, while Law was in a corner and that's when he overheard the guards talking. The conversation was about the press outside. Just as Law ignored their conversation and went back to hating the world around him. He heard another guard's footsteps approaching the cell. Once the man reached the cell, he opened the door.

☆𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝗼☆ 𝐁𝗼𝗼𝐤 3Where stories live. Discover now