Chapter 9

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Wet and moody I stomp up the stairs and storm straight to my room, clutching the little case that is about the size of my fist in my hand. Everything is quiet, but when I reach the corridor to my room, I feel like something is wrong. Dark energy flows like waves to me, coming from the direction of my room.

Narrowing my eyes, I try to see a little better in the darkness of the corridor, but there seems nothing off. Suddenly I hear shuffling around the next corner and my head snaps up. They should all be sleeping by now, shouldn't they? I'm absolutely sure that the noise came from a person. It sounded like clothes rustling.

Quickly hiding the case under my hoodie, I slow down a bit. When I turn around the corner, the feeling intensifies and finally, I can make out a dark, tall silhouette leaning against the frame of my door. Cursing under my breath I identify the silhouette as Loki who has his arms crossed in front of his chest while staring me down.

He looks like he's ready to murder someone and suddenly I'm a little afraid. Only a little though. I have never seen him like this before. Not even when I first met him. He looks furious. I gulp.

"Where have you been?" He demands to know and before I can answer, he opens my door and pushes me in, slamming it shut behind us and then pushing me against it, trapping me in between the hard material of the door and his muscular body. My mouth is suddenly dry when I realize how close we are. I can smell him. I even feel the heat of his body on my skin.

If this was a different situation, I would have been excited, but considering the bomb hidden under the soft fabric of my black hoodie, I hope he won't come any closer. I'm not ready to answer any question about how it comes that I carry something this dangerous with me after lying to Thor and Loki and vanishing for a few hours.

"That's none of your concern." I reply, smirking up at him when I see his face darken in anger. "You better answer my question!" He rages. "I was looking for you two hours ago and you were nowhere to be found after you told me you'd go to sleep! We worried! You left without a damn note, stupid mortal!"

Even though my face remains blank, I feel like being stabbed by his words. I thought he'd finally see me as sort of equal. How wrong I've been. Placing my hands against his chest, I push him back, only angering him further.

He grabs me by my throat, slamming me back against the door. Our faces are only inches apart when he leans closer to me. I can see my reflection in his eyes and admire his long eyelashes.

"Where. Have. You. Been." He growls. He's towering over me, staring me down. The look on his face seems dangerous and a flash of blue appears in his emerald eyes. "Spit it out!"

I flinch at his harshness and regret it instantly. I don't want to show any weakness to him in this situation. It will only make him feel more powerful. The hand on my throat is slowly cutting off my oxygen and I start to feel a little dizzy. "" I choke out.

"Walk... Park" I hope for him to release me, but his grip only tightens while he stares into my very soul. There's no oxygen left in my lungs and the airway is now cut off completely. That's when I start to panic. My eyes widen and I can see a smile form on his lips when he feels my pulse starting to race against his hand.

My hands shoot to my throat, prying at his fingers to let go of me. I stare back into his eyes, silently pleading for letting me breathe, but he only licks his lips while staring at me intently, completely captivated as if he enjoys me struggling against him. A strange expression lies within his eyes that scares me.

I start hitting his chest and it's only then that he snaps out of his trance, instantly letting go of me. Chaughing I sink to my knees while gasping for oxygen. "Y/n-" He starts, staring at me in shock, but I'm far too upset to let him speak. I've gained back enough strength to stand up again

"Don't you 'Y/n' me!" I hiss and shove him back. "I-" My hand lands on his cheek as I slap him. His eyes darken again and he grabs for me, but I ditch him and slap him again, only angering him again. Before he can open his mouth again, I shove him out of my small apartment and slam the door in his face, locking it and then sinking against it, burying my face in my hands and starting to cry.

On the other side of the door, Loki's face had paled. What did he do? Horrified he stared at the door as he heard it being locked. He could teleport back inside, but he'd already gone too far tonight. He knew that. What he did was unforgivable, but he couldn't help it as he'd felt her struggle against him. He'd fallen into some state of trance.

Guilt and desperation had replaced his anger about her slapping him across the face. Twice. But he deserved it. He deserved much more than that and he knew that. Slowly he turned around and left, walking to the door next to hers and entering his quarters, not bothering to remove his clothing before crawling into his bed.

Slowly I calm down a bit. Tears are still rolling down my face and dripping onto the floor and my clothes, but I manage to wander to my bedroom and crawl into my bed, hiding the case in one of the drawers of my dresser before taking off my hoodie. When it slides off my shoulders, a small piece of paper slips out of the big front pocket and silently lands on my bed.

I pick it up and examine it. It's folded twice and through the white paper I can make out shadows of dark ink. I unfold it and move toward the lamp on my bedside table which gives off a dim light that is barely enough to decipher the letters on the small piece of paper. "My name is Caden. We need your help." Confusion is nothing compared to the waterfall of questions that appear in my head. Who is Caden? How did he get the note in my pocket? Who is 'we'? And why would he need my help?

Crumpling the small note into a tiny ball, I decide to go to sleep. I would let my anger out tomorrow. However, the thoughts spiraling in my mind keep me awake the whole night, hovering over me like dark clouds. I toss and turn, but I just cannot fall asleep.

Only five hours later I roll out of my bed and put on my training clothes before heading towards the training area. Snatching a pair of boxing gloves, I spot the object of my desire and stroll over, doing a rather quick warm up before starting to throw punches at the poor punching bag.

After some time my knuckles start to hurt despite the protective gloves, but I don't stop. The pain in my hands is numbing my mental pain and so I keep going, enjoying the distraction and the way I can feel my anger slip away.

"Lady Y/n." I stop attacking the punching bag and turn around to a curious-looking Thor. I wipe some sweat off my face and look at him questioningly. "How long have you been in here?" He asks. "Something is troubling you." I shake my head. "I'm fine. Just an early training session." I smile at him.

His eyes tell me that he's not buying it, but being Thor, he doesn't push me. Taking my wrist, he peels off the boxing gloves and leads me toward the door. "Would you accompany me to a nearby café?" He asks sweetly and I roll my eyes at his formal language, but can't hold back a giggle.

He leans a little closer. "I need your advice on something that is very important to me and I cannot speak to you here because Loki will be mocking me if he is to ever find out." My eyes widen a little, but I nod. "Okay. Give me an hour. I need a shower before I can leave."

I don't tell him that the other avengers normally don't want me to go outside because I still have a part of my power that is not figured out yet and it could be dangerous, but I sneak out on myself quite often, so I don't see a problem. I can contain my power within me. I have at least some control.

About an hour later I meet the god of thunder in the kitchen. He's inspecting one of the fake plants Tony bought some time ago. "This is strange." He remarks, pointing at the imitation of some exotic-looking plant. "Ah yes, the mysteries of Midgard..." I laugh and usher him to the elevator. "Let's go. I'm hungry."

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