Chapter 19

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Grab your holy water. You'll need it. Also, feel free to throw popcorn at the screen at any time. (This chapter is not necessary for the plot)

It's noisy all around due to the good music and all the people that are having fun at Tony's party. Lost in my thoughts, I sit at the bar, downing some alcohol. Today is the day where I originally decided to have some fun, maybe ravish some good-looking guy since it was quite some time ago I had proper sex, plus I need something to get my mind off the mission tomorrow, but there isn't really someone fitting.

Well, there is someone who, and that I am certain, wouldn't hesitate, but he is nowhere to be seen. I remember how eager he had been to shower with me and how good his hands and his body had felt against my skin. I want more. I need more.

I sigh as I get up. It's time for going back to my room and entertaining myself, maybe preparing for the mission tomorrow. Only a little bit drunk, I hop through the door, whistling a melody for myself as I admire the night sky through one of the big windows. The next thing I know is bumping into someone and struggling to hold my balance.

I'm not sure how I end up on top of him, but I'm too startled to speak. "Good evening, darling." What a coincidence. He chuckles, shooting me a smirk from below. "A little bit forward, aren't we?" He raises his brow, and his smirk widens as he sees my cheeks redden.

"As much as I'd like to see you in this position, I have to ask you to move." He smoothly tells me. What?! It takes only a few seconds to progress this sentence, and my face flushes even more as my thoughts wander into a certain direction. "No, I-" I start but get cut off by him. "No?" His voice is low, yet it vibrates through my whole body. "You don't like it, dear? Maybe we should switch places then."

My head is empty by now, only thinking of the firm sensation of his chest against mine. I quickly press my palms against his chest to push me up till I'm straddling his waist. "No, it's okay-" I stammer before getting interrupted again. "Then you do like it?" He smirks as I blush even more. I figure that it would be better if I stopped talking.

"Cat got your tongue?" He teases while his hands rest on my knees. I don't respond, but look out of the window, trying to figure out what to do now. "I would suggest you get off me now. This would look rather suspicious for everyone walking by, I think." He growls.

The thought of what this would look like makes me heat up and incapable of thinking straight. I can tell that Loki's thoughts wander in a similar direction as I feel something against my thigh.

My eyes widen as the realization hits, and my eyes lock with the raven-haired god beneath me who is smirking again. "Move." He orders. My brain stops working as I answer. "Make me."

His eyes darken as he yanks me to my feet and pushes me against the cool glass of the window, his face only inches away from mine as he scans my facial expression. One of his slender fingers tilts my head so he can meet my eyes. "What should I do with you, darling?" He wonders.

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