Chapter 20

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I awake with a blissful smile on my lips and the feeling of safety and warmth. The smile falters a little when I feel my sore muscles. I turn my head and catch Loki staring at me with a strange expression in his eyes, but when I reach out, all I sense is contentment and... he thinks that I'm adorable when I sleep?!

He smiles down at me, noticing that I am finally awake. "Good morning, darling." He nuzzles my neck and runs his hand along my still very naked side, gently caressing my soft skin. "How do you feel?" "A little sore." I admit. "But apart from that I'm fine." I smile up at him and he runs a hand through my hair.

"I'd be surprised if you weren't." A low chuckle vibrates from his chest, the sound sending a pleasant shiver over my body, making the hairs on my skin stand up. "I'm a god after all." "Mhm. I noticed." I hum in response.

"I'll run you a bath. You'll feel better after." He sits up but I pull him back down. "Nooo!" I whine when the cool air hits me. "Come back, you're warm!" "I'll be back in a second." He promises and peels me off him, tucking me into the warm blanket before disappearing into his bathroom.

I hear the sound of water running before he comes back. I notice that he has put on a pair of boxers, and I smirk when I see the marks I've left on his back. He follows my gaze and smirks. A green shimmer envelops his back for a second before the marks are gone.

"Eyy!" I protest jokingly but quickly shut up as he crawls under the covers again. Instantly, I scoot over, seeking his warmth. I squeal at the sudden discomfort when Loki's grip around me tightens as the unpleasant sensation of his healing magic runs through my body.

But after only two seconds his grip loosens again and the feeling is gone along with the bruises he left on my hips and my collar bone. But I still feel the bruise on my neck and when I look at him questioningly, he only smirks at me.

A thin ray of golden morning light finds its way through a gap of the black curtains, illuminating Loki's face and blinding me. I squint my eyes, watching as the light catches in Loki's raven hair. I lift my hand, tucking a lost strand behind one of his ears.

He looks like he wants to say something, but the expression quickly vanishes and he pulls away the covers, gently nudging me into his bathroom where he turns off the water and lets me test the temperature.

He hands me a towel and then leaves, closing the door behind him to give me some privacy. I lower myself into the hot water, relaxing as the warmth spreads through my whole body.

The warm water really helps my aching muscles. I lean back into the tub and soak in the clean water, drawing shapes into the foam that floats around me as I think about last night. How gentle he's been. Well, at first.

He's changed so much since I first met him. No, he hasn't changed. He's opened up. I'm sure, if he'd been treated right, he'd show his other side, the Loki I know, more often and to others as well.

I still don't know much of his past, but the part that he feels betrayed by his father is something I figured out after one of our very first interrogation sessions when I brought the topic of the throne up.

There were some pretty heavy feelings involved, hate and disdain towards his father and jealousy for his brother only being a small part of the emotional chaos that had rolled over me like a wave at that day, almost threatening to drown me.

I don't know how long I sit in the tub, but when I finally wrap myself in the fluffy towel, the water has long cooled down. When I dry my hair I spot a shirt, neatly folded in one of the compartments of the towel shelf.

It looks like he's forgotten it's there at some point and I take the freedom to put it on. When I exit his bathroom he looks up from the book on his lap. He's sitting leant back in his reading chair, his legs crossed.

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