Chapter 21

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I must have blacked out for a moment. Loki is still holding me, whispering soothingly into my ear. It's quiet around me and I notice that the pain is gone. Where's the beast? I search for it inside and find it. It's purring contentedly. I relax and that is when I notice that my fingers are digging into Loki's shoulder, my nails probably leaving marks.

I instantly loosen my grip and open my eyes, slowly gazing up at him. I gasp when I see that his shirt is torn in several places, his sking showing through. But what attracts my attention the most, are the red scratch marks that stand out against his pale skin. "I'm sorry." I whisper and Loki's eyes lock with mine.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He tells me and runs his fingers through my hair. "How do you feel?" "Better." I sigh. "Did it work?" He smiles. "Look for yourself." I look at my hands. Then at my arms and then at my knees. They don't look different. There's nothing that has changed apart from the beast being calm.

I look at Loki, dissappointment clearly visible on my face. "It didn't w-" I gasp in shock when he touches my back, the sensation being so intense despite the light contact. No, not my back. Something on my back. I lock eyes with Loki, my eyes wide. I flinch again when I feel his fingers running along something. His touch feels so much more intense than normally.

"Oh my god!" I stammer out when I finally turn my head to look at the two large wings that are sprawled out on the mat behind me. That's when I feel the weight on my back. Gods, they're heavy! And they're feathered. Wide-eyed, I stare at them, before I notice the smell of ashes and take a look around.

The few items of equipment are torn, broken and burned and the floor around me is blacked. It looks like a big explosion. "Steve?" I ask nervously and when no one responds, I let my eyes wander around until I find him. He's lying on the floor near a wall and doesn't move when I call him. "Shit." I hear Loki mutter and he helps me sit up on my own before he darts over to the super soldier.

I try to stand up but find myself tumbling backwards as the foreign weight on my back pulls me down again. Cursing under my breath, I manage to hold balance. The wings are limply hanging down, dragging on the floor behind me as I take a step forward. I stop moving. It's an unpleasant feeling.

I try to lift them up. Sweat starts forming on my forehead as I try to get a feeling for the muscles that are holding them. It takes me a second, but with much effort and the help of my hands, I manage to fold them on my back. Instantly my sense of balance comes back as the wings are no longer pulling me backwards.

I hear a groan and am relieved to see Steve sitting against the wall, his eyes open, rubbing his temples. I walk over to them and watch as Loki holds out a hand to Steve, helping him off the ground. "Holy shit." Steve mutters, forgetting about the no swearing thing as he takes in the damage.

"Are you okay?" I ask quietly and he nods, before his eyes grow wide as he looks at me. "It worked!" He grins. "Wow! Are those... wings?" He asks excited and points to the folded bunch of feathers on my back. I nod, his excitement triggering my own. "They are!" "Well, your suit does its job nicely." He remarks, chuckling before clutching his side in pain.

That's when I notice it too. It's not torn, but has adjusted around the part where the wings come out of my body. "Nano technology." Steve chokes out. Tony made it adjust to whatever you shift into. "Steve, we have to get you to Bruce." He nods. "I think at least one of my ribs are broken." He admits and I look down. "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize." Steve smiles. "I figured something like this would happen." His left leg doesn't look that good either as he starts limping to the door. "Let me help you." Loki offers and Steve stops, looking at him, contemplating if he should trust him. "Steve, he only wants to help." I urge him.

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