Chapter 10

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"Do you have any preference for where you'd like to go?" I ask the tall, muscular god that trots next to me with seemingly no plan about where to go. "No. I'd rather leave that choice to you." He smiles sweetly at me.

He excitedly presses the yellow button when we come to a stop at some traffic lights. "What now? It's broken!" Thor says when the light doesn't switch to green the second he pushes the button. Impatiently he pushes again. And again. "Don't hit it." I chuckle. "Be patient."

While waiting for the lights to switch to green, an old lady with a golden retriever stops next to us, drawing Thor's attention. "Y/n. What is that for a strange creature?" He nudges me. "Who? The lady or the dog?"

I point to the strange hat sitting atop the elderly woman's head and desperately try to hold back my laughter.

Thor snorts at that comment, yet, he doesn't avert his eyes from the brown dog that strolls over to sniff Thor's leg. "Ah! It's trying to eat me!" The god whisper-shouts at me. Before I can react, the old lady turns to Thor.

"Willow is only curious. You can pet her if you want." With a smile on my lips, I watch the god extend his hand and run it through the soft fur. I have to admit that at this moment he resembles more of the cute golden retriever instead of the god of thunder.

It's ironic how he does more resemble a curious boy than a mighty god, but who am I to complain? He's totally fine the way he is. At least he is kind and uncomplicated and not rude and selfish like a certain other god.

The more we approach my favorite café, the more people appear on the street and I start to worry that the small but well-visited café might be already full. When we come closer I'm finally able to see what it is that caused all those people to come together here.

My favorite café is in the part of New York that suffered heavy damage during Loki's attack and it's still not completely rebuilt. Today, one of the large buildings is being reopened, causing many people to want to witness this.

Everywhere are paparazzi, curious residents, and just people passing by whose curiosity got the better of them. We slither through the crowds and I'm relieved when I notice that my café isn't as full as I expected it to be.

As soon as the door closes behind us with a soft click and the melodic sound of a bell ringing, the sounds of chaos from outside subside as I'm engulfed in the scent of coffee and cake and the comforting aroma of tea.

Finding a nice spot, we settle down and make ourselves comfortable on a small table in a corner of the cozy café. I stick my nose in the menu and it doesn't take me long to make a choice. Coffee. Black. Like always.

Skipping through the pages I find myself having trouble choosing a piece of cake. There are too many to choose from. I look over at Thor only to find him with his brows furrowed and his nose scrunched up in confusion.

"Hey, Thor." I nudge his leg with the tip of my shoe. "What's wrong?" He huffs and shows me the menu. "What am I supposed to do with this?" "You choose what you want to have." I chuckle. "I know." The god replies. "But I can't decide."

He indecisively flips some pages only to flip them back a few seconds later. I laugh and stop him by laying my hand on his wrist and taking the menu from his hands, laying it before him, and closing it.

"Close your eyes," I instruct. He gives me a quizzical look before following my instructions. "What now?" He stresses and I roll my eyes at him. Patience doesn't seem to be a personality trait of his. But he's been raised being a king after all. I'm certain patience isn't something he ever needed.

"Randomly open a page and point your finger at any spot on it." A smile forms on his face when he realizes where this is gonna go. "That's somehow intelligent." He muses while drawing circles on the page before stopping his finger and opening his eyes. "Cheesecake? Is this what I think it is?" He asks. "Just wait and you'll see." I tell him before waiting for a waiter to place our order.

The waves of excitement and curiosity are highly infectious and I find myself smiling from ear to ear without any particular reason. Thor's emotions are so positive in contrast to my own that they actually make me feel a little happier. I'm still thinking about the incident with Loki and somehow I just can't stop thinking about it.

"So how's life on Asgard?" I try to make some conversation and Thor jumps on the opportunity to do something against the awful silence. "Not really different from here. We're having a little trouble with Alfheim lately, but father is handling it." He tells me.

Nodding, I turn my head and let my eyes wander toward the sky. Asgard. It was hard to imagine that there were people, gods, living somewhere up there. "That's good." I reply with a slight delay, lost in thoughts.

"You should visit Asgard sometime." He suddenly suggests. "It's so beautiful and you have to see the palace at sun dawn. I'm sure you'd be instant friends with Sif." He chuckles a little. "She sometimes really matches your energy, even if you wouldn't think she could be other than the warrior Sif. She can." He smiles at the thought of his dear friend, but when the waiter brings our order, his eyes no longer sparkle with nostalgia, but with excitement.

"I'm curious about that cheesecake." He tells the waiter. "Tell me, do you really put cheese in there?" He asks, his voice full of genuine interest while the waiter just looks dumbfounded.

I let out a hearty laugh at the waiter's confusion and take a bite out of my blueberry muffin. Thor also tries his cake and considers it good enough to eat it. "It's not as good as the Asgardian pastry, but I really like it." He tells me in between two bites.

"That's good." I reply. "Sooo, what is it you need my advice about?" He quickly takes another bite and I can see his face flush a little. Now I really am curious. "Tell me." I urge him and he sighs, putting his fork down and wiping his mouth before turning his full attention to me.

"It's complicated." He starts. "Oh, come on! Just tell me. I won't laugh if that's what you're afraid of." "Okay." Thor takes a deep breath before starting to speak again. "So you know I've been asked to visit Midgard to watch over my little brother." I nod, signaling him to go on.

"And you know, I've told you about those problems with Alfheim. Well, in reality, those problems aren't that small and normally I would have refused to leave my responsabilities." "That leads to only one conclusion." I interrupt him. "What's her name?"

The pink on his cheeks gets darker and he quickly presses a finger to my lips while hastily looking around. "Shhh! Someone might hear us!" He scolds slightly panicking. "Who would hear us? The coffee pot?" I ask dryly and look around.

There are only a few other people that are all busy with themselves. In a corner a couple is sharing a piece of cake, near a window is a quite handsome guy with a laptop, probably working and the only other people around are the waiter and the girl behind the register.

"I met her when I last visited Midgard. I promised her to come back but it has been 15 months. I don't know if she has moved on. I really miss her, but my duties forbid me to leave Asgard. I'm afraid she's found someone else." I can't but sigh at the sad expression laying on his face.

"Have you seen her since you came back?" He shakes his head and picks up some crumples from his plate, only to let them fall again. "Thor." "Mhm?" The lost look in his eyes makes my heart clench in my chest. "Talk to her. If she loves you, she will understand."

After a brief moment of silence, he suddenly slams the fork on the table and stands up so fast that he almost knocks over the small table. "You're right." He states. "Do you mind?" He asks and when I shake my head no, he grabs Mjolnir and vanishes onto the busy streets.

I hope things will work out for Thor. He seems to care a lot for this woman. I get lost in my thoughts, trying to picture him with a girlfriend, and fail horribly. Staring into nothingness for some time, I don't notice the man near the window close his laptop, nor do I notice him making his way over to me.

Only when he sits down on the chair that had been occupied by Thor a few minutes before and clears his throat, my eyes shoot up and lock with his. The way the corners of his mouth curl slightly upwards and his mesmerizing eyes that look like molten chocolate trigger a feeling of déjàvu.

"Hey." He holds out his hand but when I don't reach out to shake it, he quickly takes it back. "Hey." I reply, not sure where to place him. I've definitely seen him before but I can't remember. "Y/n, right?" Instead of answering, I decide to pose my own questions.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" He smiles a little which makes him look much younger. "I have many names." He pauses. "But you can call me Caden."

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