Chapter 22

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"Wow, that was easier than I thought!" I stretch my now wingless back and sigh in relief as the added weight is gone. "I like them." Loki mumbles quietly and his deep voice rumbles in his chest as he talks. I turn to him. "They do look pretty cool." I admit. "Loki tilts his head, opening his mouth to say something, but then shakes his hand and chuckles softly. "They do."

My brows furrow. He's hiding something for weeks now. He always looks as if there's something on his mind but everytime when I'm sure he'll finally spill what ever it is that is bothering him, he always gets quiet and then agrees with something I said or ruffles my hair or does something else that is absolutely un-Loki-like.

Additionally, his emotions got more difficult to sense. He's been closing off his mind for me ever since Tony told him about my powers. Only sometimes, when he's having very strong emotions, they sometimes slip past his barriers. And when he sleeps, his shield seems to weaken as well.

"Loki." I drop my arms to my sides and turn to him. "There's something you're not telling me." Slowly approaching him, I sit down on the floor in front of his reading chair and look up to him. "What's the matter?" Hugging my knees to my chest, I lock eyes with him.

He gazes into my eyes as if searching for something. He doesn't say anything and the silence starts to fill with tension. Then a soft smile lifts a corner of his mouth as he leans forward, beckoning me closer. I shift a little forward, resting my head on my knees as I look at him expectantly.

One of his hands reaches out and runs through my hair, tucking a lost strand behind my ear befor I feel his nails scrape over my scalp. "I was thinking about going back to Asgard. I have some unfinished... business." He sighs. Lie. Well, not exactly, but it's not the thing he was thinking about, that I am sure of. Nontheless, this piece of information makes my heart drop.

"You are leaving?" I choke out and I'm sure all color has drained from my face. I've grown so used to his presence, his proximity, his touch. I'm intoxicated by him and I fear that losing him could be the final bit to shatter me. I cannot bear the thought of loosing a person I gave my heart to yet again.

Would he miss me? Would he remember me? Why does he have to leave? "How long will you be gone?" I ask, trying not to sound too desperate, but somehow the handsome god notices that I am a little distressed. Well, not just a little. "I don't know." He sighs and reaches down to play with a strand of my hair. "A month. Maybe two." What?!

"Don't worry, darling. I've grown rather fond of Midgard actually and I can't just leave my little mortal all alone, now, can I? I'll come back. I promise." Two months? Two entire months? Two months where I won't be able to see him? To hug him? To smell him? I nod, trying not to burst out in tears. I know I've grown incredibly attached to him and my steadily growing feelings definitely make this a lot harder.

Instead of letting my tears flow, I swallow them down before plastering a smile on my face, making sure it reaches my eyes before playfully poking his leg. "You better come back." I poke him again. "Afraid you'll miss me too much?" He teases. If only he knew... "Yes. I will miss you, Loki." He freezes and I sigh.

Finally, after what felt like hours eventhough it couldn't have been more than a couple seconds, he lets go of the strand of my hair he'd been playing with and drops from his chair, kneeling behind me. I feel his warmth embracing me as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into him. "I'll miss you too, my little mortal."


"Everyone knows what to do?" Tony asks one last time when the Quinjet quietly lands on a field surrounded by large trees and bushes. Everyone nods and Tony turns to Loki. "If you try anything funny..." The god rolls his eyes and smirks. "Let me guess..." He tilts his head. "You'll kill me?" "Exactly." Tony answers, unfazed by Loki's mocking.

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