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Treyvon Jones


"Jones, welcome back

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"Jones, welcome back."

"Hi, Jones."

"Thanks, Emily. 'Sup, Alice" I slow down at the front desk to talk to the nurses. I've visited so much that they know me by name, and we've become kind of close now.

"Jones is here? You skipped last Saturday" Erica comes out of nowhere to great me.

"Yeah...something came up" I tell her. I couldn't make it last week because I stayed back to practice after the game, and it was too late by the time I left there, "I had to practice."

"No worries. We looked after her for you. By the way, I came across one of your videos and might I say.....you're looking at your biggest fan. Give me one" she smiles excitedly putting her hand up for a highfive so I give her one, "I showed everybody here by the way and they loved it."

"She's right. Everyone did, even Eric and you know how he is about those things."

"Hmm hmm, he always has something smart to say, that loudmouth."

"I know right, but Jones. You're talented, really talented."

"Thanks. I'mma let y'all know when we have another game at school" I let them know and they agree as I sneak backwards towards the hall that leads to the room I've been visiting for the past two years now. They never run out of things to say and they could talk all day if you let them.

When I get inside the elevator, I take a deep breath and press the button. Some time later and I'm right in front of the room. With palms a bit sweaty and an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach, I open the door and walk in.

"Hi, ma."

The silence is my only response as usual so I hesitantly go grab a chair to sit closer to the bed without my eyes leaving her once.

Her eyes are tightly shut. You wouldn't notice her breathing if you didn't pay enough attention and her skin is lighter than usual. Her fingers are so much bonier than they used to be and her hair is short.

With my left leg shaking uncontrollably, I close my eyes and take a much needed breath to stop myself from overanalyzing and overthinking.

To stop myself from zoning out, I grab my workbook and turn the pages absentmindedly with the intent to study, but I just can't.

This is mostly why I take Ayesha with me whenever I visit. She helps out a lot, but it's Wednesday. Usually, I'm getting ready to go to the bar at this hour, but today I'm free so I drove straight here after school to keep ma some company.

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