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Austin Carmichael

Austin Carmichael

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I sigh

Not audibly

Because the last thing I want to do is wake him up.

I'm laying beside Trey, my heart fluttering as my gaze follows his features. The soft glow of the sun through the curtains is casting gentle shadows across his peaceful face. I can't help but admire the serene expression on his face, wondering what dreams danced behind his closed eyelids.

I wonder what he's dreaming about

It must be as beautiful

As him

Suppressing a sigh, I resist the urge to reach out and touch him, my fingertips tingling with the desire to feel the warmth of his skin. I ball up my hand as an overwhelming feeling continues to build up inside my body.

I normally don't admit this about myself, but I'm really brave for staying as calm as possible while the owner of my thought process is but a few centimeters away from me.

Nervousness isn't enough to describe the current feeling running through my veins. All I know is that I want to pass out and scream at the top of my lungs all at once. I've been wanting to do that ever since we've come face to face with one another.

How did he even manage to unknowingly make me feel this way

'What is it that draws me towards you so much' I think to myself

Is it because he has been kind to me? But, my last boyfriend was also kind. The only difference is that it wasn't as genuine.

I faintly follow the drawings on the blanket with my index finger in the quiet room, but it comes to an end when the sudden ring of a phone fills the room causing my heart to nearly leap into my throat. With a jolt of adrenaline, I spring into action when the peaceful look on Trey's face is replaced with a frown.

I scan around the room until I notice the source of the loud sound sitting on the nightstand near Trey's head. It's his phone. Swiftly and precise, I reach over for it making sure not to hit Trey in the process and look at the contact.

'Anne' is the contact name and I apologetically press the screen, declining the call.

I'm so sorry, but Trey is sleeping at the moment.

Hopefully this isn't too urgent. I'll tell him when he wakes up. He seemed so exhausted and worried during our ride to his house.

With that thought, I put the phone back to its previous position and just as I'm pulling away to settle back in, my heart rapidly drops when Trey's arm abruptly goes around my waist.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I let out an involuntary squeak before quickly clamping my hand over my mouth, attempting to flee. But in my haste, my shirt goes up, exposing my skin, and his bare hand brushes against the small of my back, intensifying the sensation.

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