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Truth doesn't need to be asked always

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Truth doesn't need to be asked always. Before raising question we should be reasonable enough to realise it. Words can cheat us, can lead us wrongly. But eyes can never be able to hide the reflection of truth. The mirror it is, always reliable! Without realisation truth is just a statement. No sovereignty it has as due to it's dependence on interrogation.

After returning to palace Arjun narrated everything to his brothers. They remained silent for sometimes analysing the situation.

"She can't be a cheater. Those words about her can't be true," Sahdev spoke up breaking the silence.

"Even my opinion is the same," Bheem supported his youngest brother.

"We shouldn't ask anything about this to her. It will hurt her," Nakul too put forward his opinion.

"You don't need to ask anything. Your trust towards me deserves to know the matter fully," Turning towards the voice they found Kumudini approaching towards them.

"Maha shoshak had started lusting over me. He had possessed my ring threatening one of my hand maiden in name of safety of her family. That he had shown to maharaj to create misunderstanding in between us," She released a deep sigh in remembrance of those days.

"Maharaj was so much bothered during those days. His stress had favoured misunderstanding to come in between us. He didn't accuse me of anything. But his silence did that," Her words were emersed in reminiscence.

"Barely we used to talk till the day when maharaj had faceoff with that demon," Moistness was in force to block her eyes with tears.

"He had given me the responsibility of making our land free from the consequence of his unintentional mistake, Maha shoshak. I had promised him to do so. That's the only reason of my life," Determination sounded again in her voice making brothers' respect increase for her.

"Don't worry, Maharani. Your promise will be fulfilled," Arjun came forward with assurance.

"What made you trust me, princes?" She knew they were reasonable enough to consider their moves before acting upon those. Still the question was too obvious to be asked.

"Our past mistakes made us analyse the situation before reacting. If that I had controlled my anger that day then Dhara would haven't broken to the core to wish to go back in past days," Bheem was the first one to give reply.

"Silence isn't serenity always. I used to feel content over my calm personality unlike bhrata Yudhishthir. But holding that calmness to me more than a limit had become my coldness towards Vijaya. I regret on the cold statement I had made on that day," Guilt was evident in Sahdev's voice.

"My passion is somehow more than just being passion only. Unlike king of Mahismati somewhere I was too wanted to halt myself at a point to settle everything, but I couldn't," Nakul who was always fun loving and cheerful was sounding serious.

"I wish the queens to be like before," After joining hands for showing her gratitude towards them she left.

A huge chamber was engulfed by darkness

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A huge chamber was engulfed by darkness. Few diyas were lightening the chamber dimly like the day when stars forget their path to sky. Few deep sighs were getting mixed with air as mild exchange of a heavy heart.

"Maharani!" A chorus rang in air.

"Please come in," Kumudini corrected her facial expression before facing the visitors.

Valandhara, Vijaya, Subhadra and Karenumati came in.

"We have heard the truth. But why you didn't disclose it before?" Karenumati initiated the conversation.

"Not only on you we have full trust on your reason whatever it is! We just want you to vent out everything," Valandhara inisisted Kumudini to be opened up.

"Suppression isn't the solution. It's just the shackle which should be broken out," It was Subhadra who added more to Valandhara's attempt.

"In this mission there should be no shackle to bind our spirit. Your suppressed feelings won't let us give the fullest to this mission from our sides. So, please vent out everything today," Vijaya too joined her sisters.

Though they were still child in appearance, the mission, the seriousness of situation and at last the confession of their husbands over Kumudini's matter had worked well in favour of activation of their matured minds.

"I didn't share anything with anyone, because I didn't want that the demon's name to be taken along with my name even in discussion. I didn't want anyone's sympathy towards me. I didn't want any chaos near me which would have distracted my concentration over the memories of my maharaj, and my mission of setting free Mahismati as before," Kumudini answered without any eye contact with any of them.

"You aren't the reason of maharaj's death," Subhadra's statement made Kumudini turn towards her.

"We can realise the guilt which you had been bearing in your heart since long," Vijaya's words made Kumudini vent out the stuff suppressed inside her, her tears, her sob.

"I hadn't share about my guilt with anyone. Sharing lessens the pain, I thought this fact won't be true in my case ever. But today I am feeling relaxed as all of you understood my turmoil without any exchange of word and gesture," Kumudini spoke controlling her sobs.

"I don't have any complain for him. But at least he would have talked to me. Didn't I deserve this?" This statement made sisters feel that they too missed a chance of having a talk with someone very close to them.

"Soon Mahismati will be free from Maha shoshak, we promise," Siding away their thoughts sisters told in unison.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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