School Troubles

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We return to the now mostly vacant main room of the Martinez family flat, where the Techpriest has finished his inventory check, and prepared his plan of actions for the next few days. In the early morning Gloria enters the room and sees the EnginSeer still awake.

Gloria: /Sleepy/ *Yawn~* Hello there Advent. How did you sleep?

Advent: /Pleasant/ Hello to you as well Mrs.Gloria. I do not require much sleep, and thus I have prepared a solution and several codes, that might be useful for fixing the David's school teaching interface (It's a lie, but this will be easy either way).

Gloria: /Pleasantly suprised/ Oh! That's wonderful! But you have already gathered all the eddies that we might need to fix it-

Advent: /Decisive/ There is neither any issue for me to fix the problem, as this has been my job for decades during my tutelage in Cult Mechanicus, and there is NO reason for you to spend the eddies, that can always be useful for better or more pleasant things.

Gloria: /Elated/ Thank you Advent!

Gloria: /Elated/ Thank you Advent!

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Advent: /Happy/ Worry not Mrs.Gloria! I would also advise you to take a day, or better yet, a week off from work.

Gloria: /Shocked/ Advent! While that is very nice to hear, I cannot do that!

Advent: /Egging on, still cheerful/ And WHY would that be?

Gloria: /Stuttery, overclocked mind looking for excuses/ W-well, for one that I did not sign in proper documentation beforehand, and also that I need this job!

Advent: /Serious/ Mrs.Gloria - as far as I am aware, you probably did not take a single day off in several years of David's studies, and probably are exceeding any expectations of your employer, even if you do call them soulless "Corpos". As for the documentation, I can do it for you, and fabricate the proper date-

Gloria: /Startled, somewhat pleading/ W-what if someone finds out?!

Advent: /Serious and conforting/ Do not worry, as I will not leave any traces, also, if by some miracle anyone were to come into possession of this information - I will leave the consequences that THEY will face for your imagination.

Gloria: /Tired, happy and also disbelieving/ ...I guess you are right... Oh, Deus mio, what will I be doing with myself doing all this free time?

Advent: /Gentle/ I would suggest good rest first, and then we will worry about what you CAN do, or we can also ask David for ideas, as I believe he will be waking up soon...

In this exact moment David decided to enter the main room with bed hair, and disheveled clothes.

David: /Sleepy/ *Yawn-* Hi mom, hi Advent. What's for breakfast?

Gloria: /Taking a look at the clock/ It's rather early, and I am yet to go to vendors for proper restock in the kitchen, so we will have to use the vending machine...

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