Emotional (car) wreck (chop shop)...

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The morning after the disaser of the sleepover couldn't have come any earlier in David's opinion...

Now! Don't get him wrong! Being surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women, even if you are forced to wear your corpo-looking-getup, and serve them foor and drinks, is the closest you can get to any warm blooded man's dream, but doing that, and the girls suddenly starting to act aggressive towards each other?

Yeah, NOT his cup of tea...

Thankfully for him, his dearest choom of all, Advent, managed to bail his ass out yet again in the nick of time, even if it nearly resulted in him losing his hearing and getting his neck snapped by a spooked solo and netrunner respectfully...

Once again, NOT his cup of tea...

As of now, it's already early morning hours, and most of the girls were either flustered, or full out couldn't look at either him, or even eachother...

Only exceptions from this embarrassed behaviour were V, Kiwi, Dorio and Shasha...

Dorio kept teasing his mom, that even as she was currently in no posiotion to fight her off from putting her head in her breasts, she has never pegged her as "One of them"...

Sasha just laughed as the recording of the night played out - especially at David's later predicament...

The damn cat-ninja... Ninja-cat?.. Neko-ja? Fuck it! The cat just howled like a hyena whenever either some of the funnier parts of the movie were shown on the recording, or David began to sport ANOTHER shade of red...

As for Kiwi? Kiwi was just this shameless when it came to her actions, as she excused her behaviour with: "David being warm enough to be her personal heatpad", as if that was something relatively normal...

David then risked looking at other members of the "I wanna fuck the latino boy" club, only to see sleeping Lucy, and furiously blushing 'Becca, who at the very moment when their eyes have met, turned her head away to not face him...


Who would've thought?

An shy ex-Mox...









Moving on...

He then turned his head away from his "Crush" towards Misty, who was currently chatting away with her outlet via voice call, and then towards V, who looked to have been rather traumatized...

Yeah, A' had this wonderful effect on people, and with V being drunk sure as shit did not help...

Said solo was currently nursing a cold can of NiCola classic in order to get rid of the hangover just a little bit faster...

Other than that, she kept shooting wary glances towards the borg in the room, or the Techpriest, depending on how well you knew him...

To say the least, that her waking up has made her initial meeting with Advent be chalked up as some sort of alcohol induced fever dream, only for this blissful ignorance to be quickly shattered, as afromentioned EnginSeer decided to "Gather" another scream from the solo by simply introducing himself, but this time around the solo did not faint so...

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