Odd-gig 1: Prison Break - Preparations (Part 4)

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We can see Maine's car driving towards the San Morro Bay, or more precisely towards the "Night City Metropolitan Airport ("NCPA")" - in order to deliver it's new package...

Now, the important questions would be: "What is the package?", "What's in the package?" and "Who would be the receiver of the package?"...

And while all of these questions would be correct, should said package be an item, instead it was the ex-officer of NCPD - Mr. Sullivan...

Speaking of whom...

Sullivan: /Sitting in the backseat, grateful/ Thank you for pulling me out of that clusterfuck gents, and for offering the ride to the airport as well, but I've gotta ask, why did you?

While Maine remained silent, curious himself, Advent decided to alleviate man's worries...

Advent: /Informatory/ It was no problem for us Mr. Sullivan - getting rid of those goons gave us "Something to do", as for your transport to the NCPA? Simple, our next destination is in line with your point of departure thus it only made sense that we assist you in your own departure. /Suddenly more serious/ Although, please do confirm - your firearm is operational, correct?

Sullivan: /Confirmatory, grateful/ Yeah it is - it's just I was prepared for a fuck off firefight, and you've just tore trough them like nothing!

This garnered an amused huff from the car's driver...

Maine: /Amused/ Heh!~ Now it shows why you were a pencil pusher! No offence, but if those gonks scared you this much, you wouldn't have survived in the field for too long!

Instead of making said pencil pusher annoyed in any way or form, all the response that the driver received was an amused snort...

Sullivan: /Amused, exasperated/ Hah! That's exactly what I've said to the commissioner when he pulled me down from the intelligence division and wanted to put me on the damn curb duty! I am a damn investigator or I could've been an rather decent detective, yet he thinks that he can get rid of me just by putting me up for the gangs on a silver platter! And here we are! Fuck the NCPD and fuck the Night City!

This explained quite a lot - yet questions still remained within Advent's mind...

Advent: /Curious/ If it's not a problem, could you confirm whether the commissioner is responsible for the ongoing corruption within the NCPD?

Sullivan: /Annoyed, very bitter/ Not really - or rather not only him so to speak... Most of our higher ups are often based upon loyalty rather than just their talent, hell, I've heard that one of the upper ups in the patrol division got promoted not from the curb policemen - or at least competent ones - he's from fucking PRU! He probably got the position by choking on the commissuiber's balls so hard that he had to pull them out of his fucking throat...

Both Maine and Advent exchanged unsure glances due to the ex-cop's apparent rage for certain individual... Maybe an intel worth remembering?

Maine: /Curious/ Aside from the dick-licking, what got you so pissed on the gonk? From what you have told us it sounds somewhat personal?

Sullivan: /Calming down/ That's because it is - this guy is called Francis McReary, bastard is rather smart and has a lot of contacts due to paying them off but he has zero knowledge on proper leadership. From what I've discovered about the fucker is that he takes a lot of bribes and helps people in getting "Lighter" sentences - if even any... This is probably the reason why I need to leave in the first place... /Throwing arms up/ GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE!

With this information stored for later the car has arrived to their first destination...

With this information stored for later the car has arrived to their first destination

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