Iron Minds, Bleeding Hearts and Shaky Metal Hands

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*???'s POV*

...ouch... everything hurts...

I try to get up, but then I realize that I am unable to do so...

??? *POV*: /Worried and confused/ Where am I? What happened?

Then I am able to hear muffled voices, albeit barely...

???: /Annoyed, DEEP and Mechanical/ me...she..wa..sedat...d?

???: /Consufed? Deep male/ ...rre...e' need to

What were they talking about? And why am I unable to see?!

???: /Inquisitive, Male/ You...ld me...she'

???: /Deep and robotic/

Few of the words flowing around made me curious, but also slightly worried.

Bio..ica? Secur? oids?

What were they talking about?

I tried moving, but I found out that my body would not respond...

???: /Deep and robotic/'s...ill...trying...wake...up...

I tried moving more and more, but suddenly I froze - somebody must have either use a restraining chip, or they did something to my spine-

Suddenly I feel another prick in the neck, and I lose the grip on my senses again...


*5 hours earlier*


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We return to the medical transport that Advent has commandeered, to safely transport Sasha to a ripper doc clinic, or if impossible, then the vehicle would be useful to guarantee her safety, while he would either raid the hospital for required resources, or locate the black market traders and shake them down from their wares...

Either of the later options would put him in a pinch somewhere down the road in the future, he was sure of it...

Advent: /Browsing trough the local data flow, while flying the Medi-vac/ In the name of Omnissiah... /ANNOYED and METALIC/ BY THE SACRED COG!!! JUST HOW HARD CAN IT BE TO FIND ONE! FRAKKING ONE! DECENT MEDICAL LOCATION OUTSIDE OF CORPO OR GANG INFLUENCE?!

He has been scouting the city for over four hours since he has stolen the patient and the air-car, and he was unable to find any proper location as of yet - either by the bad reviews, retarted medical personel, or worse - connection to the local gangs...

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