Chapter 3

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Lara found Rob and Harry sitting in the hotel lobby, waiting to ask her what she'd done with Joe. They both listened with an air somewhere between wary and disapproving, but she brushed off the job offer as clearly a ridiculous idea. She spent the rest of the afternoon in her hotel room calling home to check on the girls and packing her small amount of belongings away, ready to check out the following morning. Left in the lobby, Rob looked at his boss. "We should get her working for us. You know she's a superstar. The Europeans love her, the yanks can't get enough, and every time she does an event for us we pick up new members and service subscriptions." Harry gave him a half smile, "But right now we get her for free. She won't come cheap, and with her circumstances, why's she going to leave the security of Albion Britannica?" Rob looked annoyed, "We won't have her at all if she decides to go elsewhere, even if it's not this Joe character's job." Harry chuckled, "You're just upset the lovely Lara caught the eye of the handsome rich American, and you didn't get her to yourself this afternoon." Rob rolled his eyes in exasperation, "Piss off Harry. I'm married. If I wasn't, maybe I'd go there, but I am."

The next day, they all checked out, and Lara told Rob and Harry she was grabbing a cab to go and do some quick shopping before they needed to leave for the airport. She got back ten minutes before their car was due to collect them for the airport, and Rob looked relieved to see her. She laughed, seeing the amusement on Harry's face, and touched Rob's arm, "Relax, I'm not late. I'll just grab my case. As the porter wheeled her case over, the receptionist handed her a large envelope and said, "This was left for you earlier." She shoved it into her cabin baggage and only took it out when they were settled on the flight. Inside, there was a handwritten note.

"Lara, Dean has organised a contract for your dream job and a figure I think should work. More importantly, I've had Linda pull up some details for houses we would fund for the first year, a car lease we'd also cover, and good schools for your kids. Our lawyers will sort out the visa, and they're confident unless you're a secret axe murderer yourself they'll be no problem with it. Remember, the only real regrets are the chances we didn't take. I'll be in touch, Joe."

Lara couldn't help but smile, and Rob looked over the small wall of her business class seat as he passed to get to the bathroom, "What's making you smile so much?" She looked up, turning the envelope to show him, "It's that job offer." Rob moved to crouch down next to her seat, "You're not really thinking of taking it are you?" She sighed and wrinkled her nose, "No, you know me, very sensible. It's just nice to dream now and then isn't it." Rob saw the look of sadness creep behind her smile, and he reached out, "I know things have been hard for you Lara, and I'm glad you got to do this trip with us." Her smile faltered, and she squeezed his hand, "Thanks Rob, I have enjoyed it, and I was only joking the other night. I do really appreciate you looking out for me." He nodded and released her hand with a final squeeze."

Lara walked into the office on Monday morning, over the jet lag, and pleased to see her colleagues. She dropped the carrier bag on the spare desk as everyone looked up and shouted morning. She beamed and said, "Sugary junk. Anyone need coffee?" Alison and Paul both got up to join her on the walk down to the onsite café and they asked about her trip. She didn't mention Joe or his job offer but chatted about the conference and the hotel." When she came back, she connected her laptop and sat ready to start the day.

David Hewitt appeared at her side and said, "Have you got a minute." Lara had worked long enough to know those words usually meant something was afoot, and she had a sense of trepidation as they went into a vacant meeting room. David closed the door, and Lara laid her pen and pad down, sipping her coffee. David smiled, "Seems like it went well. Rob dropped me a note to say you were the star turn." She smiled, "Yeah, it was good. Second day was a bit dull, modelling stuff mainly, and you know that bores me rigid." David laughed, "I always quite enjoy it myself." He paused, "Listen Lara, I'm on the move. I'm not supposed to say, but I don't feel right not telling you. I've got a job with one of the major banks and I'm working my three months. Lara gave him a small smile, "I'm glad for you, and I'm not exactly surprised." David nodded, "Look, once I get there, if I think there's something you'd be interested in, I'll give you a shout." She nodded, and he added, "You could apply for my job, they're going to post it, and you could a hundred per cent do it." Lara gave a hard laugh, "We both know they won't give it to me. They'll be someone waiting they want to slide right in." She looked up and blurted out, "I've had a job offer myself. It's ridiculous, but I can't stop thinking about it." David looked carefully at the girl he'd not only come to rely on but also become fond of. His wife had quite rightly pointed out while it was understandable to worry about her after all she'd gone through, it was also important to keep the professional line in place. "What's the job Lara? Why's it ridiculous?" She took a deep breath and explained. To her surprise, David didn't dismiss it but said, "Have you got the job description?" She nodded, "I've got a giant envelope, job description, contract, house details, schools." Her boss laughed, "They must want you badly. It's very flattering. Tell you what, why don't you pass it to me and I'll take a look." Getting up, she smiled, "Thanks David, what am I going to do when you've gone? I mean, who's going to listen to my latest crisis?" He opened the door to let her through, "You'll be fine."

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