Chapter 33

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Linda finished her download and Joe put his pen down nodding. "Thanks Linds. If you tell Dean I'm free he can bring me the CVs he's shortlisted." Linda smiled, "Sure. I'll go tell him before I amend that commentary." She stood up and said, "Lara seemed pretty subdued on Saturday. Is she okay Joe?" He sighed, " Yeah, I guess so. She's having nightmares. It'll just take time I suppose. " Linda came alongside the desk and rubbed his back, "I'm just glad she has someone with her." Joe's mouth twitched, "Mom might drive her nuts." Linda laughed, "Doubt it." She turned to leave as the door knocked and Ana from reception put her head 'round uncertainly, "Joe, I didn't want to call through in front of him, but there's a guy in reception, says he wants to talk to you. He said his name's Sid Griffin." She looked nervously and Linda glanced at Joe in concern. Looking at Linda he said, "Thanks Ana. I'll be over in a minute. Can you show him into a meeting room?" She nodded and backed out closing the door. Linda waited for the click and said, "Oh my God Joe. Do you want me to talk to him?" Joe sighed standing up, "No, it's okay. I'll go." He squeezed her hand and left the room.

Arriving at reception Ana and Kelly both gave him a look but he ignored it and said evenly, "Which one's he in?" Ana pointed, " Three. Want me to bring coffee? " Joe shook his head, "No thanks." He took a deep breath outside the meeting room and entered. Sid was sitting looking downcast at the table, and he hastily stood up as Joe came in. "Hey, thanks for seeing me son. I didn't want to bother you at work, but I wasn't sure how else to contact you." Joe sank to the chair opposite and said, "How are you Sid?" The older guy gave a weary sigh, "I'm okay son. I came to talk to you about Scotty." Joe's face turned cold and Sid felt nervous. "How's your girl Joe?" Joe looked him in the eye and leaned forward, "She's home from the hospital. My mom's taking care of her so I can get back to my business. " Sid looked down, "I'm sorry Joe, I really am sorry." Joe exhaled and felt pity for the old man in front of him. Sid looked up, "I know he did wrong Joe, but Scotty's a mess. He's in so much trouble and he needs your help." Joe had to choke down his own rage, "Sid, she was pregnant, they kicked our baby out of her. And you want me to help? Are you out of your mind?" Sid clutched his own face in anguish, "I know Joe. I don't expect you to ever forgive him, or see him, but Joe, he's my boy, and he's addicted to that stuff. They said they'll drop the charges as long as he agrees to go to rehab. He wants to and I've found a good programme, but Joe I can't afford it." Looking at Joe's expression he flushed and said, "I can pay you back a little a time out of my pension. I'm scared for him Joe. He looks so bad. I know you outgrew him, and I'm grateful for what you've done for him, but I don't have anyone else to ask."

Joe got up and put his hand on the man's shoulder and said gently, "Sid, you've always been a great dad. Scotty's so damn lucky to have you." To his dismay, the old guy's face crumpled, "I'm just grateful his mom didn't live to see this." Joe patted the shoulder he was still touching and sighed, Listen Sid, you're right. I can't forgive him right now, and I can't see him. I'll cover his rehab, but this is a one-time thing. After this, he can't come to me again, and this is for you Sid, not him, you understand?" Sid sniffed and nodded, "Thanks Joe. You have no idea what this means to me. I'll pay you back every penny ." Joe crouched down, " I don't need you to repay me a penny. Tell Scotty he can repay me by taking this chance and making good on it. " Standing up he said, "I'll send Linda in to get the details from you. Take care yeah." Sid stuttered out, " You're a good man Joe Callahan. "

Joe looked flushed as he walked past the receptionists to get back to Linda. He stopped and said to Ana, "Can you get that guy a drink while I just organise something?" He left without waiting for an answer, and Ana pulled a face at her colleague before standing up to go and find out what Sid wanted. Linda wordlessly got up and followed Joe into his office. When he'd explained she pulled him into a hug and said quietly, "You are just about the nicest, kindest guy walking the earth and I'm so damn proud of you right now. I'll go talk to Sid." Left alone Joe picked up his phone and clicked on the contact. When it connected he smiled and said, "Hi. I just wanted to check you were okay, hear your voice." Lara glanced at Pat who was sitting at the opposite end of the couch helping her fold laundry. "We're fine here. Joe, is everything okay?" He sighed, "Yeah, everything's good. I just miss you Lara." Her face turned soft and she said, "I love you, so hurry up and finish work and come home yeah." He dialled off and Pat looked at her quizzically, "What's wrong honey?" Lara shook her head, "Not sure Pat. Something's happened though, he sounded upset. I'll message Linda."

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