Chapter 16

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Joe woke to find he had Lara's back against his chest and his arms wrapped around her. He'd brought a bag in case he stayed over and he'd pulled a pair of jog pants on mindful one of the children might come in. He breathed her scent in, nuzzling the back of her neck, resisting the temptation to slip the strap of her vest top down. He could tell it was still early by the light, and not wanting to disturb her, he allowed himself a few minutes to reflect on the night before. They had spent hours enjoying and recovering from bouts of passion, the likes of which he'd never experienced previously. Joe wasn't promiscuous, but between Hayley and Farrah, there'd been more than a few one night stands and unfulfilling casual hookups. He realised he'd never had any idea sex could be as earth shattering as what he'd experienced the night before with the girl lying in his arms.

The memory was making him hard, and despite wanting to let her sleep, he couldn't resist moving her slightly so he could take a look at her face as he rubbed against her. Lara's deep blue eyes opened, and she smiled, turning to face him. She whispered, "Morning," and ran her fingers through his bed ruffled hair. Drawing back, she said, "What time is it? And how long have you been awake?" He kissed her and said, "It's okay, not six yet, it's early." He pulled her to his chest, and she snuggled in as he said hesitantly, "I was just lying thinking that I never realised sex could be that incredible. I'm a little shell-shocked." She smiled, running a palm across his bare skin, "Me neither." She sat up, "I imagine you have a lot of experience, but for me, it's only been Paul." Joe stroked her arm and nodded." She looked hesitant, and he lifted her chin, "What Lara?" She snuggled back down before whispering, "Joe, I've never had an orgasm actually during sex before. It was like an out of body experience." He lifted her slightly under him so he could look at her directly, "I'm not sure I've ever given a girl an orgasm during sex before, and I admit, I've slept with quite a few girls, but I've never felt anything close to what I felt last night with any of them, including my ex-wife." He looked directly into her eyes as she smiled and said, "And now I'm going to give you another one before the kids get up and we have to go to work."

They separated after breakfast so Lara could take the girls to school, and Joe could return home to change into his work clothes. Charlotte and Grace didn't comment seeing him making pancakes for them and as he held Lara from behind at the counter he realised he'd grown to love the way she smelled in the morning of citrus from the shampoo and the shower gel. Being able to be this close to her was intoxicating and driving home he wondered how he was going to be able to resist seeking her out in work. He was waiting in the coffee shop when she came in, leaning against the wall by the counter, chatting to Colin. He captured her waist for a side hug as she greeted the barista, and Colin caught something on Joe's face. Turning to use the tamper to smooth out the grounds, he smiled and said to the couple behind him, "So you two finally did it then." Joe choked on his coffee, and Lara's face turned every shade of scarlet as she slapped his back. Colin poured the steamed milk into her cup and snapped the lid on before pushing across the counter. He grinned, "I'm very pleased for you both, and don't worry, not everyone is as observant as me. While it is pretty obvious you both have the, we've had great sex glow, not everyone is as experienced in detecting said glow as yours truly, so you'll probably be able to fly under the radar." Joe had started to laugh, but a still red Lara said, "Good grief Colin, remember I'm British. We're not a race used to or comfortable with talking about emotions, let alone sex. I might actually faint with embarrassment." Colin laughed heartily and came around the counter to kiss her cheek, "Hey congratulations. Coffee's on the house to celebrate. I told Mike the day you first walked in you'd end up with Joe. When I get home tonight I'm so going to gloat. Being gay gives me perspective you hetros just don't have." Joe laughed and said, "Thanks Colin. We'd best get up to the office, let Lara's face return to its regular colour."

They met Will on the way out, and Joe winked as Colin shouted out, "Don't worry, I'll fill him in!" Lara opened her arms for a quick hug, and he said with widening eyes, "Are you two?" Joe laughed and nodded as Lara pulled back. Will grinned, "Awww we need to talk, and I need to call April." As they walked into reception, Lara said quietly, "Well, so much for being low key. Is it that obvious?" Joe"s mouth turned up with amusement, "Only to the people we love." He glanced at her and added, "And apparently the guy who makes our coffee." Lara giggled and shook her head, turning left towards her office saying, "Catch you for the staff meeting at ten." Joe saluted and made his way to his own desk shouting "morning" to the few staff he passed. He winked at Linda, and she got up to follow him into his room, where he gave her an enthusiastic embrace. She squealed softly in deference to their location and the glass frontage to the office, and he nodded, "Linda, I gotta tell you. Last night was mind blowingly incredible. Linda pulled back, keeping hold of his hands, "I'm so pleased for you both. I love the pair of you, and I've wanted this for you for so long Joe." She squeezed his hands, "You both deserve this happiness." He kept eye contact and said carefully, "I love you guys, and without you, I wouldn't be with Lara right now. And Linds without you, I may well have stepped off that car park ledge that night." Linda felt the tears roll down her face, and Joe pulled her close. "I'm sorry Linds. I didn't want to remind you of that night, I just wanted to let you know how important you and Mark are to me. You're my family, my best friends in this whole world." He kissed her and pulled her to sit at the meeting table, passing her a box of Kleenex. She sniffed and said, "God, they'll all be gawping, wondering what the hell is going on." Joe smiled, reaching for his coffee, "I don't care. This is too important. Lara and I have agreed not to make a big deal in work, but we're not actively going to try and hide it either. If people ask or guess, fine. Like Lara says, we'll be yesterday's news by the time it gets around." Linda threw the Kleenex in the bin, "Right, your schedule is on the desk. I need to go fix my face, and then I need to visit your significant other before the two down."

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